
Type Line Description
error 152 Name of argument $closing does not match with the DocBlock's name $opening in \_wptexturize_pushpop_element()
error 2016 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of wp_specialchars
error 2016 Argument $quote_style is missing from the Docblock of wp_specialchars
error 2016 Argument $charset is missing from the Docblock of wp_specialchars
error 2016 Argument $double_encode is missing from the Docblock of wp_specialchars


Type Line Description
error 23 No summary for property $context
error 24 No summary for property $singular
error 25 No summary for property $plural
error 26 No summary for property $translations
error 27 No summary for property $translator_comments
error 28 No summary for property $extracted_comments
error 29 No summary for property $references
error 30 No summary for property $flags
error 43 No summary for method __construct()
error 73 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of Translation_Entry
error 98 No summary for method merge_with()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 11 Argument $server is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 11 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 11 Argument $port is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 11 Argument $timeout is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 11 No summary for method __construct()
error 35 Argument $server is missing from the Docblock of WP_HTTP_IXR_Client
error 35 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of WP_HTTP_IXR_Client
error 35 Argument $port is missing from the Docblock of WP_HTTP_IXR_Client
error 35 Argument $timeout is missing from the Docblock of WP_HTTP_IXR_Client
error 35 No summary for method WP_HTTP_IXR_Client()
error 40 No summary for method query()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 4 No summary for class \WP_Pass
error 50 Argument $user_id is missing from the Docblock of check_password
error 50 Name of argument $user_id does not match with the DocBlock's name $hash in check_password()


Type Line Description
error 12 No summary for class \POMO_Reader
error 14 No summary for property $endian
error 15 No summary for property $_post
error 83 No summary for method substr()
error 95 No summary for method strlen()
error 108 No summary for method str_split()
error 124 No summary for method pos()
error 131 No summary for method is_resource()
error 138 No summary for method close()
error 145 No summary for class \POMO_FileReader
error 150 No summary for method __construct()
error 162 Argument $filename is missing from the Docblock of POMO_FileReader
error 170 No summary for method read()
error 178 No summary for method seekto()
error 189 No summary for method is_resource()
error 196 No summary for method feof()
error 203 No summary for method close()
error 210 No summary for method read_all()
error 227 No summary for property $_str
error 232 Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 245 Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of POMO_StringReader
error 253 No summary for method read()
error 266 No summary for method seekto()
error 277 No summary for method length()
error 284 No summary for method read_all()
error 299 Argument $filename is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 315 Argument $filename is missing from the Docblock of POMO_CachedFileReader
error 329 Argument $filename is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 340 Argument $filename is missing from the Docblock of POMO_CachedIntFileReader


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \BP_Roles
error 4 No summary for property $role_objects
error 5 No summary for property $role_names
error 7 No summary for method __construct()
error 11 No summary for method BP_Roles()
error 15 Argument $role is missing from the Docblock of add_role
error 15 Argument $display_name is missing from the Docblock of add_role
error 15 Argument $capabilities is missing from the Docblock of add_role
error 15 No summary for method add_role()
error 24 Argument $role is missing from the Docblock of remove_role
error 24 No summary for method remove_role()
error 32 Argument $role is missing from the Docblock of add_cap
error 32 Argument $cap is missing from the Docblock of add_cap
error 32 Argument $grant is missing from the Docblock of add_cap
error 32 No summary for method add_cap()
error 37 Argument $role is missing from the Docblock of remove_cap
error 37 Argument $cap is missing from the Docblock of remove_cap
error 37 No summary for method remove_cap()
error 42 Argument $role is missing from the Docblock of get_role
error 42 No summary for method get_role()
error 49 No summary for method get_names()
error 53 Argument $role is missing from the Docblock of is_role
error 53 No summary for method is_role()
error 57 Argument $cap is missing from the Docblock of map_meta_cap
error 57 Argument $user_id is missing from the Docblock of map_meta_cap
error 57 No summary for method map_meta_cap()
error 63 No summary for class \BP_Role
error 64 No summary for property $name
error 65 No summary for property $capabilities
error 67 Argument $role is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 67 Argument $capabilities is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 67 No summary for method __construct()
error 72 Argument $role is missing from the Docblock of BP_Role
error 72 Argument $capabilities is missing from the Docblock of BP_Role
error 72 No summary for method BP_Role()
error 76 Argument $cap is missing from the Docblock of add_cap
error 76 Argument $grant is missing from the Docblock of add_cap
error 76 No summary for method add_cap()
error 80 Argument $cap is missing from the Docblock of remove_cap
error 80 No summary for method remove_cap()
error 84 Argument $cap is missing from the Docblock of has_cap
error 84 No summary for method has_cap()


Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \Translations
error 15 No summary for property $entries
error 16 No summary for property $headers
error 40 No summary for method add_entry_or_merge()
error 73 No summary for method set_headers()
error 82 No summary for method get_header()
error 89 No summary for method translate_entry()
error 99 No summary for method translate()
error 128 No summary for method get_plural_forms_count()
error 138 No summary for method translate_plural()
error 173 No summary for method merge_originals_with()
error 184 No summary for class \Gettext_Translations
error 206 No summary for method nplurals_and_expression_from_header()
error 269 No summary for method make_headers()
error 288 No summary for method set_header()
error 304 No summary for property $entries
error 305 No summary for property $headers
error 307 Argument $entry is missing from the Docblock of add_entry
error 307 No summary for method add_entry()
error 315 No summary for method set_header()
error 321 No summary for method set_headers()
error 328 No summary for method get_header()
error 336 No summary for method translate_entry()
error 344 No summary for method translate()
error 352 No summary for method select_plural_form()
error 359 No summary for method get_plural_forms_count()
error 369 No summary for method translate_plural()
error 376 No summary for method merge_with()


Type Line Description
error 13 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of http_build_query
error 13 Argument $prefix is missing from the Docblock of http_build_query
error 13 Argument $sep is missing from the Docblock of http_build_query
error 13 No summary for function \http_build_query()
error 21 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of _http_build_query
error 21 Argument $prefix is missing from the Docblock of _http_build_query
error 21 Argument $sep is missing from the Docblock of _http_build_query
error 21 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of _http_build_query
error 21 Argument $urlencode is missing from the Docblock of _http_build_query
error 21 No summary for function \_http_build_query()
error 60 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _
error 60 No summary for function \_()
error 68 Argument $haystack is missing from the Docblock of stripos
error 68 Argument $needle is missing from the Docblock of stripos
error 68 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of stripos
error 68 No summary for function \stripos()
error 76 Argument $algo is missing from the Docblock of hash_hmac
error 76 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of hash_hmac
error 76 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of hash_hmac
error 76 Argument $raw_output is missing from the Docblock of hash_hmac
error 76 No summary for function \hash_hmac()
error 101 Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of mb_substr
error 101 Argument $start is missing from the Docblock of mb_substr
error 101 Argument $length is missing from the Docblock of mb_substr
error 101 Argument $encoding is missing from the Docblock of mb_substr
error 101 No summary for function \mb_substr()
error 108 Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of _mb_substr
error 108 Argument $start is missing from the Docblock of _mb_substr
error 108 Argument $length is missing from the Docblock of _mb_substr
error 108 Argument $encoding is missing from the Docblock of _mb_substr
error 108 No summary for function \_mb_substr()
error 126 Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of htmlspecialchars_decode
error 126 Argument $quote_style is missing from the Docblock of htmlspecialchars_decode
error 126 No summary for function \htmlspecialchars_decode()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 75 Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 75 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 75 Argument $filename is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 82 Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of BP_log
error 82 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of BP_log
error 82 Argument $filename is missing from the Docblock of BP_log
error 82 No summary for method BP_log()
error 91 Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of set_level
error 112 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of set_type
error 134 Argument $filename is missing from the Docblock of set_filename
error 160 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of send
error 160 Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of send
error 160 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of send
error 160 Argument $prefix is missing from the Docblock of send
error 288 Argument $integer is missing from the Docblock of get_level_from_integer
error 320 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of format_message
error 320 Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of format_message
error 320 Argument $prefix is missing from the Docblock of format_message
error 320 Argument $tabs is missing from the Docblock of format_message
error 388 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of debug
error 388 Argument $prefix is missing from the Docblock of debug
error 400 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of notice
error 418 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of warning
error 436 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of error
error 454 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of fail
error 544 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of _esc_js_log
error 544 No summary for method _esc_js_log()


Type Line Description
error 39 No summary for property $itoa64
error 40 No summary for property $iteration_count_log2
error 41 No summary for property $portable_hashes
error 42 No summary for property $random_state
error 44 Argument $iteration_count_log2 is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 44 Argument $portable_hashes is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 44 No summary for method __construct()
error 57 Argument $iteration_count_log2 is missing from the Docblock of PasswordHash
error 57 Argument $portable_hashes is missing from the Docblock of PasswordHash
error 57 No summary for method PasswordHash()
error 62 Argument $count is missing from the Docblock of get_random_bytes
error 62 No summary for method get_random_bytes()
error 85 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of encode64
error 85 Argument $count is missing from the Docblock of encode64
error 85 No summary for method encode64()
error 108 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of gensalt_private
error 108 No summary for method gensalt_private()
error 118 Argument $password is missing from the Docblock of crypt_private
error 118 Argument $setting is missing from the Docblock of crypt_private
error 118 No summary for method crypt_private()
error 161 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of gensalt_extended
error 161 No summary for method gensalt_extended()
error 179 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of gensalt_blowfish
error 179 No summary for method gensalt_blowfish()
error 220 Argument $password is missing from the Docblock of HashPassword
error 220 No summary for method HashPassword()
error 255 Argument $password is missing from the Docblock of CheckPassword
error 255 Argument $stored_hash is missing from the Docblock of CheckPassword
error 255 No summary for method CheckPassword()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 61 Argument $code is missing from the Docblock of WP_Error
error 61 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of WP_Error
error 61 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of WP_Error
error 61 No summary for method WP_Error()


Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \MO
error 16 No summary for property $_nplurals
error 56 No summary for method export_to_file()
error 69 No summary for method export()
error 83 No summary for method is_entry_good_for_export()
error 99 No summary for method export_to_file_handle()
error 160 No summary for method export_original()
error 176 No summary for method export_translations()
error 184 No summary for method export_headers()
error 196 No summary for method get_byteorder()
error 217 No summary for method import_from_reader()
error 338 No summary for method select_plural_form()
error 345 No summary for method get_plural_forms_count()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 2 No summary for class \WP_Auth
error 4 No summary for property $db
error 5 No summary for property $users
error 7 No summary for property $cookies
error 9 No summary for property $current
error 11 Argument $db is missing from the Docblock of WP_Auth
error 11 Argument $users is missing from the Docblock of WP_Auth
error 11 Argument $cookies is missing from the Docblock of WP_Auth
error 11 No summary for method WP_Auth()
error 43 Name of argument $db does not match with the DocBlock's name $cookies in __construct()
error 43 Argument $users is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 43 Name of argument $users does not match with the DocBlock's name $cookies in __construct()
error 43 Argument $cookies is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 43 No summary for method __construct()
error 77 Name of argument $user_id does not match with the DocBlock's name $id in set_current_user()
notice 77 Parameter $id could not be found in set_current_user()
notice 77 Parameter $name could not be found in set_current_user()
error 149 Argument $scheme is missing from the Docblock of validate_auth_cookie
error 149 Name of argument $scheme does not match with the DocBlock's name $cookie in validate_auth_cookie()
error 220 Argument $scheme is missing from the Docblock of generate_auth_cookie
error 220 Name of argument $scheme does not match with the DocBlock's name $expiration in generate_auth_cookie()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 21 Argument $handles is missing from the Docblock of wp_print_scripts
error 66 Argument $handle is missing from the Docblock of wp_localize_script
error 66 Argument $object_name is missing from the Docblock of wp_localize_script
error 66 Argument $l10n is missing from the Docblock of wp_localize_script
error 80 Argument $handle is missing from the Docblock of wp_deregister_script
error 96 Argument $handle is missing from the Docblock of wp_enqueue_script
error 96 Argument $src is missing from the Docblock of wp_enqueue_script
error 96 Argument $deps is missing from the Docblock of wp_enqueue_script
error 96 Argument $ver is missing from the Docblock of wp_enqueue_script
error 96 Argument $in_footer is missing from the Docblock of wp_enqueue_script


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \WP_Object_Cache
error 7 No summary for property $global_groups
error 13 No summary for property $no_mc_groups
error 15 No summary for property $cache
error 16 No summary for property $mc
error 17 No summary for property $stats
error 18 No summary for property $group_ops
error 20 No summary for property $default_expiration
error 22 No summary for method __construct()
error 42 No summary for method WP_Object_Cache()
error 47 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of get_mc
error 47 No summary for method get_mc()
error 55 Argument $host is missing from the Docblock of failure_callback
error 55 Argument $port is missing from the Docblock of failure_callback
error 55 No summary for method failure_callback()
error 60 No summary for method close()
error 67 Argument $groups is missing from the Docblock of add_global_groups
error 67 No summary for method add_global_groups()
error 77 Argument $groups is missing from the Docblock of add_non_persistent_groups
error 77 No summary for method add_non_persistent_groups()
error 87 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of key
error 87 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of key
error 87 No summary for method key()
error 102 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of get
error 102 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of get
error 102 No summary for method get()
error 134 Argument $groups is missing from the Docblock of get_multi
error 134 No summary for method get_multi()
error 165 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of add
error 165 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of add
error 165 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of add
error 165 Argument $expire is missing from the Docblock of add
error 165 No summary for method add()
error 189 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of set
error 189 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of set
error 189 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of set
error 189 Argument $expire is missing from the Docblock of set
error 189 No summary for method set()
error 213 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of replace
error 213 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of replace
error 213 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of replace
error 213 Argument $expire is missing from the Docblock of replace
error 213 No summary for method replace()
error 229 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of delete
error 229 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of delete
error 229 No summary for method delete()
error 253 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of flush
error 253 No summary for method flush()
error 279 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of add_key_to_group_keys_cache
error 279 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of add_key_to_group_keys_cache
error 279 No summary for method add_key_to_group_keys_cache()
error 317 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of remove_key_from_group_keys_cache
error 317 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of remove_key_from_group_keys_cache
error 317 No summary for method remove_key_from_group_keys_cache()
error 361 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of delete_all_keys_in_group_key_cache
error 361 No summary for method delete_all_keys_in_group_key_cache()
error 412 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of incr
error 412 Argument $n is missing from the Docblock of incr
error 412 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of incr
error 412 No summary for method incr()
error 420 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of decr
error 420 Argument $n is missing from the Docblock of decr
error 420 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of decr
error 420 No summary for method decr()
error 428 Argument $line is missing from the Docblock of colorize_debug_line
error 428 No summary for method colorize_debug_line()
error 444 No summary for method stats()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 22 No summary for class \PO
error 24 No summary for property $comments_before_headers
error 255 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of match_begin_and_end_newlines
error 255 Argument $original is missing from the Docblock of match_begin_and_end_newlines
error 255 No summary for method match_begin_and_end_newlines()
error 288 No summary for method import_from_file()
error 330 No summary for method read_entry()
error 459 No summary for method read_line()
error 481 No summary for method add_comment_to_entry()
error 499 No summary for method trim_quotes()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 7 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of __
error 7 Argument $domain is missing from the Docblock of __
error 7 No summary for function \__()
error 12 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of _e
error 12 Argument $domain is missing from the Docblock of _e
error 12 No summary for function \_e()
error 17 Argument $singular is missing from the Docblock of __n
error 17 Argument $plural is missing from the Docblock of __n
error 17 Argument $count is missing from the Docblock of __n
error 17 Argument $domain is missing from the Docblock of __n
error 17 No summary for function \__n()
error 22 Argument $mo_filename is missing from the Docblock of load_translations
error 22 No summary for function \load_translations()
error 38 Argument $domain is missing from the Docblock of load_textdomain
error 38 Argument $mofile is missing from the Docblock of load_textdomain
error 38 No summary for function \load_textdomain()
error 43 Argument $domain is missing from the Docblock of get_translations
error 43 No summary for function \get_translations()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 10 No summary for class \BPDB_Multi
error 17 No summary for property $_force_dbhname
error 18 No summary for property $last_table
error 19 No summary for property $db_tables
error 20 No summary for property $db_servers
error 24 No summary for method __construct()


Type Line Description
error 12 Argument $object_type is missing from the Docblock of get_object_taxonomies
error 12 No summary for function \get_object_taxonomies()
error 17 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of get_taxonomy
error 17 No summary for function \get_taxonomy()
error 22 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of is_taxonomy
error 22 No summary for function \is_taxonomy()
error 27 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of is_taxonomy_hierarchical
error 27 No summary for function \is_taxonomy_hierarchical()
error 32 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of register_taxonomy
error 32 Argument $object_type is missing from the Docblock of register_taxonomy
error 32 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of register_taxonomy
error 32 No summary for function \register_taxonomy()
error 37 Argument $terms is missing from the Docblock of get_objects_in_term
error 37 Argument $taxonomies is missing from the Docblock of get_objects_in_term
error 37 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of get_objects_in_term
error 37 No summary for function \get_objects_in_term()
error 42 Argument $term is missing from the Docblock of get_term
error 42 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of get_term
error 42 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of get_term
error 42 Argument $filter is missing from the Docblock of get_term
error 42 No summary for function \get_term()
error 47 Argument $field is missing from the Docblock of get_term_by
error 47 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of get_term_by
error 47 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of get_term_by
error 47 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of get_term_by
error 47 Argument $filter is missing from the Docblock of get_term_by
error 47 No summary for function \get_term_by()
error 52 Argument $term is missing from the Docblock of get_term_children
error 52 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of get_term_children
error 52 No summary for function \get_term_children()
error 57 Argument $field is missing from the Docblock of get_term_field
error 57 Argument $term is missing from the Docblock of get_term_field
error 57 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of get_term_field
error 57 Argument $context is missing from the Docblock of get_term_field
error 57 No summary for function \get_term_field()
error 62 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of get_term_to_edit
error 62 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of get_term_to_edit
error 62 No summary for function \get_term_to_edit()
error 67 Argument $taxonomies is missing from the Docblock of get_terms
error 67 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of get_terms
error 67 No summary for function \get_terms()
error 72 Argument $term is missing from the Docblock of is_term
error 72 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of is_term
error 72 No summary for function \is_term()
error 77 Argument $term is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_term
error 77 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_term
error 77 Argument $context is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_term
error 77 No summary for function \sanitize_term()
error 82 Argument $field is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_term_field
error 82 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_term_field
error 82 Argument $term_id is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_term_field
error 82 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_term_field
error 82 Argument $context is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_term_field
error 82 No summary for function \sanitize_term_field()
error 87 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of wp_count_terms
error 87 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of wp_count_terms
error 87 No summary for function \wp_count_terms()
error 92 Argument $object_id is missing from the Docblock of wp_delete_object_term_relationships
error 92 Argument $taxonomies is missing from the Docblock of wp_delete_object_term_relationships
error 92 No summary for function \wp_delete_object_term_relationships()
error 97 Argument $term is missing from the Docblock of wp_delete_term
error 97 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of wp_delete_term
error 97 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of wp_delete_term
error 97 No summary for function \wp_delete_term()
error 102 Argument $object_ids is missing from the Docblock of wp_get_object_terms
error 102 Argument $taxonomies is missing from the Docblock of wp_get_object_terms
error 102 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of wp_get_object_terms
error 102 No summary for function \wp_get_object_terms()
error 107 Argument $term is missing from the Docblock of wp_insert_term
error 107 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of wp_insert_term
error 107 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of wp_insert_term
error 107 No summary for function \wp_insert_term()
error 112 Argument $object_id is missing from the Docblock of wp_set_object_terms
error 112 Argument $terms is missing from the Docblock of wp_set_object_terms
error 112 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of wp_set_object_terms
error 112 Argument $append is missing from the Docblock of wp_set_object_terms
error 112 No summary for function \wp_set_object_terms()
error 117 Argument $slug is missing from the Docblock of wp_unique_term_slug
error 117 Argument $term is missing from the Docblock of wp_unique_term_slug
error 117 No summary for function \wp_unique_term_slug()
error 122 Argument $term is missing from the Docblock of wp_update_term
error 122 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of wp_update_term
error 122 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of wp_update_term
error 122 No summary for function \wp_update_term()
error 127 Argument $defer is missing from the Docblock of wp_defer_term_counting
error 127 No summary for function \wp_defer_term_counting()
error 132 Argument $terms is missing from the Docblock of wp_update_term_count
error 132 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of wp_update_term_count
error 132 Argument $do_deferred is missing from the Docblock of wp_update_term_count
error 132 No summary for function \wp_update_term_count()
error 137 Argument $terms is missing from the Docblock of wp_update_term_count_now
error 137 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of wp_update_term_count_now
error 137 No summary for function \wp_update_term_count_now()
error 142 Argument $object_ids is missing from the Docblock of clean_object_term_cache
error 142 Argument $object_type is missing from the Docblock of clean_object_term_cache
error 142 No summary for function \clean_object_term_cache()
error 147 Argument $ids is missing from the Docblock of clean_term_cache
error 147 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of clean_term_cache
error 147 No summary for function \clean_term_cache()
error 152 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of get_object_term_cache
error 152 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of get_object_term_cache
error 152 No summary for function \get_object_term_cache()
error 157 Argument $object_ids is missing from the Docblock of update_object_term_cache
error 157 Argument $object_type is missing from the Docblock of update_object_term_cache
error 157 No summary for function \update_object_term_cache()
error 162 Argument $terms is missing from the Docblock of update_term_cache
error 162 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of update_term_cache
error 162 No summary for function \update_term_cache()
error 167 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of _get_term_hierarchy
error 167 No summary for function \_get_term_hierarchy()
error 172 Argument $term_id is missing from the Docblock of _get_term_children
error 172 Argument $terms is missing from the Docblock of _get_term_children
error 172 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of _get_term_children
error 172 No summary for function \_get_term_children()
error 177 Argument $terms is missing from the Docblock of _pad_term_counts
error 177 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of _pad_term_counts
error 177 No summary for function \_pad_term_counts()
error 182 Argument $object_id is missing from the Docblock of is_object_in_term
error 182 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of is_object_in_term
error 182 Argument $terms is missing from the Docblock of is_object_in_term
error 182 No summary for function \is_object_in_term()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 142 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of BP_User
error 142 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of BP_User
error 142 No summary for method BP_User()
error 251 No summary for method update_user()
notice 367 Parameter $post_id could not be found in has_cap()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 20 No summary for property $registered
error 21 No summary for property $queue
error 22 No summary for property $to_do
error 23 No summary for property $done
error 24 No summary for property $args
error 25 No summary for property $groups
error 26 No summary for property $group
error 28 No summary for method __construct()
error 30 No summary for method WP_Dependencies()
error 43 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of do_items
error 43 Name of argument $group does not match with the DocBlock's name $handles in do_items()
error 66 Argument $handle is missing from the Docblock of do_item
error 66 No summary for method do_item()
error 79 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of all_deps
error 79 Name of argument $group does not match with the DocBlock's name $recursion in all_deps()
error 134 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of add
error 134 Name of argument $args does not match with the DocBlock's name $ver in add()
error 157 Argument $handles is missing from the Docblock of remove
error 157 No summary for method remove()
error 162 Argument $handles is missing from the Docblock of enqueue
error 162 No summary for method enqueue()
error 173 Argument $handles is missing from the Docblock of dequeue
error 173 No summary for method dequeue()
error 184 Argument $handle is missing from the Docblock of query
error 184 Argument $list is missing from the Docblock of query
error 184 No summary for method query()
error 205 Argument $handle is missing from the Docblock of set_group
error 205 Argument $recursion is missing from the Docblock of set_group
error 205 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of set_group
error 205 No summary for method set_group()
error 222 No summary for class \_WP_Dependency
error 223 No summary for property $handle
error 224 No summary for property $src
error 225 No summary for property $deps
error 226 No summary for property $ver
error 227 No summary for property $args
error 229 No summary for property $extra
error 231 No summary for method __construct()
error 237 No summary for method _WP_Dependency()
error 241 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of add_data
error 241 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of add_data
error 241 No summary for method add_data()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 13 Argument $column_data is missing from the Docblock of get_column_definition
error 48 Argument $index_data is missing from the Docblock of get_index_definition
error 90 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of describe_table
error 191 Argument $array is missing from the Docblock of _flatten_array
error 191 Argument $cut_branch is missing from the Docblock of _flatten_array
error 191 Argument $keep_child_array_keys is missing from the Docblock of _flatten_array
error 221 Argument $sql is missing from the Docblock of parse
error 314 Argument $db_object is missing from the Docblock of delta
error 314 Argument $queries is missing from the Docblock of delta
error 314 Argument $ignore is missing from the Docblock of delta
error 314 Argument $execute is missing from the Docblock of delta


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 120 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of flush
error 258 Argument $groups is missing from the Docblock of add_global_groups
error 258 No summary for method add_global_groups()
error 263 Argument $groups is missing from the Docblock of add_non_persistent_groups
error 263 No summary for method add_non_persistent_groups()


Type Line Description
error 568 Argument $match is missing from the Docblock of _wp_kses_split_callback
error 1307 Argument $css is missing from the Docblock of safecss_filter_attr
error 1307 Argument $deprecated is missing from the Docblock of safecss_filter_attr


Type Line Description
error 24 No summary for property $taxonomies
error 26 Argument $db is missing from the Docblock of WP_Taxonomy
error 26 No summary for method WP_Taxonomy()
error 406 Name of argument $term_id does not match with the DocBlock's name $term in get_term_children()
notice 406 Parameter $term could not be found in get_term_children()
error 874 Argument $title is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_term_slug
error 874 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_term_slug
error 874 Argument $term_id is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_term_slug
error 874 No summary for method sanitize_term_slug()
error 878 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of format_to_edit
error 878 No summary for method format_to_edit()
error 1037 Name of argument $taxonomies does not match with the DocBlock's name $taxonomy in delete_object_term_relationships()
notice 1037 Parameter $taxonomy could not be found in delete_object_term_relationships()
error 1165 Name of argument $object_ids does not match with the DocBlock's name $object_id in get_object_terms()
notice 1165 Parameter $object_id could not be found in get_object_terms()
error 1401 Name of argument $terms does not match with the DocBlock's name $term in set_object_terms()
notice 1401 Parameter $term could not be found in set_object_terms()
error 1671 Argument $do_deferred is missing from the Docblock of update_term_count
error 1671 Name of argument $do_deferred does not match with the DocBlock's name $taxonomy in update_term_count()
error 2045 Name of argument $object_id does not match with the DocBlock's name $object_id. in is_object_in_term()
error 2045 Name of argument $taxonomy does not match with the DocBlock's name $taxonomy. in is_object_in_term()
notice 2045 Parameter $object_id. could not be found in is_object_in_term()
notice 2045 Parameter $taxonomy. could not be found in is_object_in_term()
error 2079 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of get_children_cache
error 2079 No summary for method get_children_cache()
error 2080 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of set_children_cache
error 2080 Argument $children is missing from the Docblock of set_children_cache
error 2080 No summary for method set_children_cache()
error 2081 Argument $taxonomy is missing from the Docblock of delete_children_cache
error 2081 No summary for method delete_children_cache()


Type Line Description
error 175 Argument $local_time is missing from the Docblock of spawn_cron
error 400 Argument $local_time is missing from the Docblock of check_server_timer
error 400 No summary for function \check_server_timer()


Type Line Description
error 744 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of test
error 858 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of test
error 1028 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of test
error 1187 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of test
error 1367 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of test


Type Line Description
error 20 No summary for property $base_url
error 21 No summary for property $content_url
error 22 No summary for property $default_version
error 23 No summary for property $text_direction
error 24 No summary for property $concat
error 25 No summary for property $concat_version
error 26 No summary for property $do_concat
error 27 No summary for property $print_html
error 28 No summary for property $default_dirs
error 30 No summary for method __construct()
error 34 Argument $handle is missing from the Docblock of do_item
error 34 No summary for method do_item()
error 95 Argument $handles is missing from the Docblock of all_deps
error 95 Argument $recursion is missing from the Docblock of all_deps
error 95 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of all_deps
error 95 No summary for method all_deps()
error 102 Argument $src is missing from the Docblock of _css_href
error 102 Argument $ver is missing from the Docblock of _css_href
error 102 Argument $handle is missing from the Docblock of _css_href
error 102 No summary for method _css_href()
error 113 Argument $src is missing from the Docblock of in_default_dir
error 113 No summary for method in_default_dir()


Type Line Description
error 50 No summary for property $data
error 51 No summary for property $type
error 53 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 53 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 53 No summary for method __construct()
error 73 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Value
error 73 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Value
error 73 No summary for method IXR_Value()
error 78 No summary for method calculateType()
error 115 No summary for method getXml()
error 185 No summary for property $message
error 186 No summary for property $messageType
error 187 No summary for property $faultCode
error 188 No summary for property $faultString
error 189 No summary for property $methodName
error 190 No summary for property $params
error 193 No summary for property $_arraystructs
error 194 No summary for property $_arraystructstypes
error 195 No summary for property $_currentStructName
error 196 No summary for property $_param
error 197 No summary for property $_value
error 198 No summary for property $_currentTag
error 199 No summary for property $_currentTagContents
error 201 No summary for property $_parser
error 203 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 203 No summary for method __construct()
error 208 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Message
error 208 No summary for method IXR_Message()
error 213 No summary for method parse()
error 253 Argument $parser is missing from the Docblock of tag_open
error 253 Argument $tag is missing from the Docblock of tag_open
error 253 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of tag_open
error 253 No summary for method tag_open()
error 275 Argument $parser is missing from the Docblock of cdata
error 275 Argument $cdata is missing from the Docblock of cdata
error 275 No summary for method cdata()
error 280 Argument $parser is missing from the Docblock of tag_close
error 280 Argument $tag is missing from the Docblock of tag_close
error 280 No summary for method tag_close()
error 361 No summary for property $data
error 362 No summary for property $callbacks
error 363 No summary for property $message
error 364 No summary for property $capabilities
error 366 Argument $callbacks is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 366 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 366 Argument $wait is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 366 No summary for method __construct()
error 378 Argument $callbacks is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Server
error 378 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Server
error 378 Argument $wait is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Server
error 378 No summary for method IXR_Server()
error 383 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of serve
error 383 No summary for method serve()
error 434 Argument $methodname is missing from the Docblock of call
error 434 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of call
error 434 No summary for method call()
error 473 Argument $error is missing from the Docblock of error
error 473 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of error
error 473 No summary for method error()
error 482 Argument $xml is missing from the Docblock of output
error 482 No summary for method output()
error 494 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of hasMethod
error 494 No summary for method hasMethod()
error 499 No summary for method setCapabilities()
error 518 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of getCapabilities
error 518 No summary for method getCapabilities()
error 523 No summary for method setCallbacks()
error 530 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of listMethods
error 530 No summary for method listMethods()
error 537 Argument $methodcalls is missing from the Docblock of multiCall
error 537 No summary for method multiCall()
error 570 No summary for property $method
error 571 No summary for property $args
error 572 No summary for property $xml
error 574 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 574 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 574 No summary for method __construct()
error 594 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Request
error 594 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Request
error 594 No summary for method IXR_Request()
error 599 No summary for method getLength()
error 604 No summary for method getXml()
error 619 No summary for property $server
error 620 No summary for property $port
error 621 No summary for property $path
error 622 No summary for property $useragent
error 623 No summary for property $response
error 624 No summary for property $message
error 625 No summary for property $debug
error 626 No summary for property $timeout
error 627 No summary for property $headers
error 630 No summary for property $error
error 632 Argument $server is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 632 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 632 Argument $port is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 632 Argument $timeout is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 632 No summary for method __construct()
error 654 Argument $server is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Client
error 654 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Client
error 654 Argument $port is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Client
error 654 Argument $timeout is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Client
error 654 No summary for method IXR_Client()
error 659 No summary for method query()
error 744 No summary for method getResponse()
error 750 No summary for method isError()
error 755 No summary for method getErrorCode()
error 760 No summary for method getErrorMessage()
error 775 No summary for property $code
error 776 No summary for property $message
error 778 Argument $code is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 778 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 778 No summary for method __construct()
error 784 Argument $code is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Error
error 784 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Error
error 784 No summary for method IXR_Error()
error 789 No summary for method getXml()
error 821 No summary for property $year
error 822 No summary for property $month
error 823 No summary for property $day
error 824 No summary for property $hour
error 825 No summary for property $minute
error 826 No summary for property $second
error 827 No summary for property $timezone
error 829 Argument $time is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 829 No summary for method __construct()
error 839 Argument $time is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Date
error 839 No summary for method IXR_Date()
error 844 Argument $timestamp is missing from the Docblock of parseTimestamp
error 844 No summary for method parseTimestamp()
error 855 Argument $iso is missing from the Docblock of parseIso
error 855 No summary for method parseIso()
error 866 No summary for method getIso()
error 871 No summary for method getXml()
error 876 No summary for method getTimestamp()
error 890 No summary for property $data
error 892 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 892 No summary for method __construct()
error 897 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of IXR_Base64
error 897 No summary for method IXR_Base64()
error 902 No summary for method getXml()
error 916 No summary for property $signatures
error 917 No summary for property $help
error 919 No summary for method __construct()
error 953 No summary for method IXR_IntrospectionServer()
error 958 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of addCallback
error 958 Argument $callback is missing from the Docblock of addCallback
error 958 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of addCallback
error 958 Argument $help is missing from the Docblock of addCallback
error 958 No summary for method addCallback()
error 965 Argument $methodname is missing from the Docblock of call
error 965 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of call
error 965 No summary for method call()
error 1030 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of methodSignature
error 1030 No summary for method methodSignature()
error 1070 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of methodHelp
error 1070 No summary for method methodHelp()
error 1084 No summary for property $calls
error 1086 Argument $server is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 1086 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 1086 Argument $port is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 1086 No summary for method __construct()
error 1092 Argument $server is missing from the Docblock of IXR_ClientMulticall
error 1092 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of IXR_ClientMulticall
error 1092 Argument $port is missing from the Docblock of IXR_ClientMulticall
error 1092 No summary for method IXR_ClientMulticall()
error 1097 No summary for method addCall()
error 1108 No summary for method query()


Type Line Description
notice 136 Parameter $var,... could not be found in \apply_filters()
error 354 Name of argument $arg does not match with the DocBlock's name $arg,... in \do_action()
notice 354 Parameter $arg,... could not be found in \do_action()
notice 693 Parameter $hook could not be found in \_wp_call_all_hook()
notice 735 Parameter $type could not be found in \_wp_filter_build_unique_id()


Type Line Description
error 20 No summary for property $base_url
error 21 No summary for property $content_url
error 22 No summary for property $default_version
error 23 No summary for property $in_footer
error 24 No summary for property $concat
error 25 No summary for property $concat_version
error 26 No summary for property $do_concat
error 27 No summary for property $print_html
error 28 No summary for property $print_code
error 29 No summary for property $ext_handles
error 30 No summary for property $ext_version
error 31 No summary for property $default_dirs
error 33 No summary for method __construct()
error 50 Argument $handle is missing from the Docblock of print_scripts_l10n
error 50 Argument $echo is missing from the Docblock of print_scripts_l10n
error 50 No summary for method print_scripts_l10n()
error 81 Argument $handle is missing from the Docblock of do_item
error 81 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of do_item
error 81 No summary for method do_item()
error 149 Argument $handle is missing from the Docblock of set_group
error 149 Argument $recursion is missing from the Docblock of set_group
error 149 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of set_group
error 149 No summary for method set_group()
error 157 Argument $handles is missing from the Docblock of all_deps
error 157 Argument $recursion is missing from the Docblock of all_deps
error 157 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of all_deps
error 157 No summary for method all_deps()
error 164 No summary for method do_head_items()
error 169 No summary for method do_footer_items()
error 182 Argument $src is missing from the Docblock of in_default_dir
error 182 No summary for method in_default_dir()
error 193 No summary for method reset()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \WP_Users
error 4 No summary for property $db
error 6 Argument $db is missing from the Docblock of WP_Users
error 6 No summary for method WP_Users()
error 11 Argument $db is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 11 No summary for method __construct()
error 18 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of _put_user
error 18 No summary for method _put_user()
error 126 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of new_user
error 126 No summary for method new_user()
error 140 Argument $ID is missing from the Docblock of update_user
error 140 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of update_user
error 140 No summary for method update_user()
error 184 Argument $user_id is missing from the Docblock of get_user
error 184 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of get_user
error 184 No summary for method get_user()
error 407 Argument $user_id is missing from the Docblock of delete_user
error 407 No summary for method delete_user()
error 430 Argument $object is missing from the Docblock of append_meta
error 430 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of append_meta
error 430 No summary for method append_meta()
error 489 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of update_meta
error 489 No summary for method update_meta()
error 527 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of delete_meta
error 527 No summary for method delete_meta()
error 567 Argument $user_login is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_user
error 567 Argument $strict is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_user
error 567 No summary for method sanitize_user()
error 571 Argument $slug is missing from the Docblock of sanitize_nicename
error 571 No summary for method sanitize_nicename()
error 575 Argument $email is missing from the Docblock of is_email
error 575 No summary for method is_email()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 Argument $option is missing from the Docblock of backpress_get_option
error 3 No summary for function \backpress_get_option()
error 12 Argument $option is missing from the Docblock of backpress_add_option
error 12 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of backpress_add_option
error 12 No summary for function \backpress_add_option()
error 21 Argument $option is missing from the Docblock of backpress_update_option
error 21 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of backpress_update_option
error 21 No summary for function \backpress_update_option()
error 30 Argument $option is missing from the Docblock of backpress_delete_option
error 30 No summary for function \backpress_delete_option()
error 39 Argument $transient is missing from the Docblock of backpress_get_transient
error 39 No summary for function \backpress_get_transient()
error 48 Argument $transient is missing from the Docblock of backpress_set_transient
error 48 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of backpress_set_transient
error 48 Argument $expiration is missing from the Docblock of backpress_set_transient
error 48 No summary for function \backpress_set_transient()
error 57 Argument $transient is missing from the Docblock of backpress_delete_transient
error 57 No summary for function \backpress_delete_transient()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 34 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of WP_Ajax_Response
error 34 No summary for method WP_Ajax_Response()


Type Line Description
error 76 Argument $group is missing from the Docblock of wp_cache_flush
error 124 Name of argument $key does not match with the DocBlock's name $id in \wp_cache_replace()
notice 124 Parameter $id could not be found in \wp_cache_replace()
error 143 Name of argument $key does not match with the DocBlock's name $id in \wp_cache_set()
notice 143 Parameter $id could not be found in \wp_cache_set()


Type Line Description
error 862 Argument $a is missing from the Docblock of _wp_timezone_choice_usort_callback
error 862 Argument $b is missing from the Docblock of _wp_timezone_choice_usort_callback
error 862 No summary for function \_wp_timezone_choice_usort_callback()
error 1019 Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of _cleanup_header_comment
error 1120 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of backpress_gmt_strtotime
error 1120 No summary for function \backpress_gmt_strtotime()
error 1137 Argument $object is missing from the Docblock of backpress_convert_object
error 1137 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of backpress_convert_object
error 1137 No summary for function \backpress_convert_object()


Type Line Description
error 83 No summary for property $smtp_conn
error 84 No summary for property $error
error 85 No summary for property $helo_rply
error 117 Argument $host is missing from the Docblock of Connect
error 117 Argument $port is missing from the Docblock of Connect
error 117 Argument $tval is missing from the Docblock of Connect
error 215 Argument $username is missing from the Docblock of Authenticate
error 215 Argument $password is missing from the Docblock of Authenticate
error 331 Argument $msg_data is missing from the Docblock of Data
error 468 Argument $host is missing from the Docblock of Hello
error 498 Argument $hello is missing from the Docblock of SendHello
error 498 Argument $host is missing from the Docblock of SendHello
error 538 Argument $from is missing from the Docblock of Mail
error 581 Argument $close_on_error is missing from the Docblock of Quit
error 634 Argument $to is missing from the Docblock of Recipient
error 725 Argument $from is missing from the Docblock of SendAndMail


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 38 No summary for class \BPDB
error 375 Argument $dbh is missing from the Docblock of select
error 375 Name of argument $dbh does not match with the DocBlock's name $db in select()
error 386 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _weak_escape
error 386 No summary for method _weak_escape()
error 391 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _real_escape
error 391 No summary for method _real_escape()
error 400 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of _escape
error 400 No summary for method _escape()
error 449 Name of argument $string does not match with the DocBlock's name $s in escape_by_ref()
notice 449 Parameter $s could not be found in escape_by_ref()
notice 486 Parameter $args could not be found in prepare()
notice 486 Parameter $args,... could not be found in prepare()
error 643 Argument $use_current is missing from the Docblock of query
error 643 Name of argument $use_current does not match with the DocBlock's name $query in query()
error 774 Name of argument $where_format does not match with the DocBlock's name $format_where in update()
notice 774 Parameter $format_where could not be found in update()
error 1050 Argument $dbh_or_table is missing from the Docblock of check_database_version


Type Line Description
error 9 No summary for class \Plural_Forms


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 42 No summary for class \PHPMailer
error 341 No summary for property $smtp
error 342 No summary for property $to
error 343 No summary for property $cc
error 344 No summary for property $bcc
error 345 No summary for property $ReplyTo
error 346 No summary for property $all_recipients
error 347 No summary for property $attachment
error 348 No summary for property $CustomHeader
error 349 No summary for property $message_type
error 350 No summary for property $boundary
error 351 No summary for property $language
error 352 No summary for property $error_count
error 353 No summary for property $sign_cert_file
error 354 No summary for property $sign_key_file
error 355 No summary for property $sign_key_pass
error 356 No summary for property $exceptions
error 528 Argument $auto is missing from the Docblock of SetFrom
error 528 Name of argument $auto does not match with the DocBlock's name $name in SetFrom()
error 601 No summary for method PreSend()
error 655 No summary for method PostSend()
error 993 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of AddrAppend
error 993 Argument $addr is missing from the Docblock of AddrAppend
error 1010 Argument $addr is missing from the Docblock of AddrFormat
error 1437 Argument $boundary is missing from the Docblock of GetBoundary
error 1437 Argument $charSet is missing from the Docblock of GetBoundary
error 1437 Argument $contentType is missing from the Docblock of GetBoundary
error 1437 Argument $encoding is missing from the Docblock of GetBoundary
error 1462 Argument $boundary is missing from the Docblock of EndBoundary
error 1485 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of HeaderLine
error 1485 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of HeaderLine
error 1494 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of TextLine
error 1562 Argument $disposition_type is missing from the Docblock of AttachAll
error 1562 Argument $boundary is missing from the Docblock of AttachAll
error 1639 No summary for function \get_magic_quotes()
error 1706 Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of EncodeHeader
error 1706 Argument $position is missing from the Docblock of EncodeHeader
error 1823 Name of argument $input does not match with the DocBlock's name $string in EncodeQPphp()
error 1823 Argument $space_conv is missing from the Docblock of EncodeQPphp
error 1823 Name of argument $space_conv does not match with the DocBlock's name $line_max in EncodeQPphp()
notice 1823 Parameter $string could not be found in EncodeQPphp()
error 2010 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of AddStringEmbeddedImage
error 2010 Argument $cid is missing from the Docblock of AddStringEmbeddedImage
error 2010 Argument $filename is missing from the Docblock of AddStringEmbeddedImage
error 2010 Argument $encoding is missing from the Docblock of AddStringEmbeddedImage
error 2010 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of AddStringEmbeddedImage
error 2010 No summary for method AddStringEmbeddedImage()
error 2038 No summary for method AttachmentExists()
error 2047 No summary for method AlternativeExists()
error 2134 Argument $msg is missing from the Docblock of SetError
error 2183 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of Lang
error 2209 Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of FixEOL
error 2221 Argument $custom_header is missing from the Docblock of AddCustomHeader
error 2230 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of MsgHTML
error 2230 Argument $basedir is missing from the Docblock of MsgHTML
error 2411 Name of argument $cert_filename does not match with the DocBlock's name $key_filename in Sign()
error 2411 Name of argument $key_filename does not match with the DocBlock's name $key_pass in Sign()
error 2411 Argument $key_pass is missing from the Docblock of Sign
error 2424 Name of argument $txt does not match with the DocBlock's name $key_filename in DKIM_QP()
notice 2424 Parameter $key_filename could not be found in DKIM_QP()
notice 2424 Parameter $key_pass could not be found in DKIM_QP()
error 2536 Argument $isSent is missing from the Docblock of doCallback
error 2536 Argument $to is missing from the Docblock of doCallback
error 2536 Argument $cc is missing from the Docblock of doCallback
error 2536 Argument $bcc is missing from the Docblock of doCallback
error 2536 Argument $subject is missing from the Docblock of doCallback
error 2536 Argument $body is missing from the Docblock of doCallback
error 2536 No summary for method doCallback()
error 2544 No summary for class \phpmailerException
error 2545 No summary for method errorMessage()