
Type Line Description
todo 335 Implement.


Type Line Description
todo 124 warnings for control characters
todo 136 warnings for control characters


Type Line Description
todo 1384 Audit return types


Type Line Description
todo 47 Use settings API
todo 346 Use settings API when it supports saving network settings


Type Line Description
todo 490 Move to members component?


Type Line Description
todo 882 Properly deprecate in favor of bp_activity_type() and remove redundant echo
todo 897 Properly deprecate in favor of bp_get_activity_type().
todo 1717 properly deprecate this function.
todo 1734 properly deprecate this function.
todo 2082 Given that checks for children already happen in bp_activity_recurse_comments(), this function can probably be streamlined or removed.
todo 4131 properly deprecate in favor of bp_get_member_activity_feed_link().


Type Line Description
todo 1823 Why do we have this wrapper?
todo 1852 There appears to be a bug in the return value on success.


Type Line Description
todo 154 Improve error message output


Type Line Description
todo 31 Support untrashing better.


Type Line Description
todo 916 Move markup to template part in: /members/single/messages/search.php


Type Line Description
todo 36 We should probably do something similar to BP_Component::start().
todo 36 If this is only intended to be extended, it should be abstract.


Type Line Description
todo 871 deprecate (not used internaly) + it doesn't make much sense to output a boolean.


Type Line Description
todo 5189 deprecate
todo 5201 deprecate
todo 5807 deprecate.
todo 5817 deprecate.
todo 5827 deprecate.


Type Line Description
todo 105 Add convenience links into the markup once new positions are finalized.
todo 715 Make this part of the BP_Component class and split into each component.
todo 1683 deprecate.


Type Line Description
todo 652 `bp_activity_set_action()` should be improved to include a supports argument or best we should create a `bp_register_activity_type()` function to mimic the way WordPress registers post types. For now we'll use a non extendable workaround.
todo 3180 Why is an activity id required? We could look this up.
todo 3180 Why do we encourage users to call this function directly? We could just as easily examine the activity type in bp_activity_delete() and then call this function with the proper arguments if necessary.
todo 3745 We should probably save $source to activity meta.
todo 4224 Support untrashing better.


Type Line Description
todo 70 Move this into bp-nouveau/includes/friends/template-tags.php once we'll need other friends template tags.
todo 147 Dismiss button re-worked to try and prevent buttons on general BP template notices - Nouveau user_feedback key needs review.
todo 1901 28/09/17 added 'empty( $text )' check to $object query as it wasn't returning output as expected & not returning user set params This may require further examination - hnla


Type Line Description
todo 1224 We should remove this. No one is going to upgrade from v1.1, right?


Type Line Description
todo 273 Mark as deprecated


Type Line Description
todo 50 sorting


Type Line Description
todo 352 Use settings API and audit these methods.
todo 652 split and move into blog and forum components.
todo 675 Move into groups component.


Type Line Description
todo 1492 Move to a back-compat file?
todo 2012 Deprecating this function would be safer.
todo 2099 Deprecating this function would be safer.
todo 2619 This should be properly escaped.
todo 2651 This should be properly escaped.
todo 2719 Should be properly escaped.
todo 2787 Should be properly escaped.
todo 2819 Should be properly escaped.
todo 3014 Remove this function. Echoing a bool is pointless.


Type Line Description
todo 749 replace with Ajax feature
todo 763 replace with Ajax featur


Type Line Description
todo 407 Spam counter?
todo 407 Auto-delete old spam?
todo 668 Update activity meta to allow >1 record with the same key (iterate through $history).


Type Line Description
todo 460 This function assumes that items with the user_id in the item_id slot are associated with that user. However, this will only be true with certain components (such as Friends). Use with caution!
todo 609 This function assumes that items with the user_id in the item_id slot are associated with that user. However, this will only be true with certain components (such as Friends). Use with caution!


Type Line Description
todo 27 Add dynamic menu items for group extensions.


Type Line Description
todo 740 Remove in 1.4


Type Line Description
todo 576 Optimize this function.
todo 734 Why is this in the Friends component?
todo 828 Why does this exist, and why is it in bp-friends?
todo 873 Why does this exist, and why is it in bp-friends?
todo 914 Why does this exist, and why is it in bp-friends?
todo 986 Need to do a group component check before using group functions.


Type Line Description
todo 279 This function is too large and needs refactoring and reviewing.


Type Line Description
todo 38 Why do we call wp_print_styles()?
todo 60 Why is this here and not in a properly enqueued file?


Type Line Description
todo 479 Add support for footer chunked headers.
todo 1560 The WordPress convention is to use underscores instead of camelCase for function and method names. Need to switch to use underscores instead for the methods.


Type Line Description
todo 2813 How is this functionally different from bp_is_group()?