
Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 6 No summary for class \GP_Test_Locales
error 59 No summary for method test_class_exists()
error 168 No summary for method data_provider_locales()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Project
error 5 No summary for method test_empty_name()
error 12 No summary for method test_empty_slug()
error 20 No summary for method test_update_path()
error 41 No summary for method test_valid_path_on_create()
error 59 No summary for method test_create_and_select()
error 66 No summary for method test_save_no_args()
error 77 No summary for method test_reload()
error 85 No summary for method test_path_to_root()
error 94 No summary for method test_by_path()
error 101 No summary for method test_by_path_with_dots()
error 108 No summary for method test_by_path_with_utf8mb4()
error 137 No summary for method test_regenerate_paths()
error 157 No summary for method test_set_difference_from_same()
error 167 No summary for method test_set_difference_from_difference()
error 177 No summary for method test_copy_originals_from()
error 197 No summary for method test_sets_in_copy_sets_and_translations_from()
error 211 No summary for method test_translations_in_copy_sets_and_translations_from()
error 235 No summary for method test_branching_translation_sets()
error 271 No summary for method test_branching_originals()
error 297 No summary for method test_branching_paths()
error 321 No summary for method test_delete()
error 334 No summary for method test_previous_state_is_passed_to_saved_action()
error 354 No summary for method test_gp_locale_glossary_path_prefix_filter()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_CLI_Import_Originals
error 18 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of __invoke
error 18 Argument $assoc_args is missing from the Docblock of __invoke


Type Line Description
error 17 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of glossary_entries_get
error 17 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of glossary_entries_get
error 17 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of glossary_entries_get
error 17 No summary for method glossary_entries_get()
error 54 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of glossary_entry_add_post
error 54 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of glossary_entry_add_post
error 54 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of glossary_entry_add_post
error 54 No summary for method glossary_entry_add_post()
error 108 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of glossary_entries_post
error 108 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of glossary_entries_post
error 108 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of glossary_entries_post
error 108 No summary for method glossary_entries_post()
error 171 No summary for method glossary_entry_delete_post()
error 209 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of export_glossary_entries_get
error 209 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of export_glossary_entries_get
error 209 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of export_glossary_entries_get
error 209 No summary for method export_glossary_entries_get()
error 237 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of import_glossary_entries_get
error 237 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of import_glossary_entries_get
error 237 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of import_glossary_entries_get
error 237 No summary for method import_glossary_entries_get()
error 260 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of import_glossary_entries_post
error 260 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of import_glossary_entries_post
error 260 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of import_glossary_entries_post
error 260 No summary for method import_glossary_entries_post()
error 311 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of print_export_file
error 311 Argument $entries is missing from the Docblock of print_export_file
error 311 No summary for method print_export_file()
error 324 Argument $file is missing from the Docblock of read_glossary_entries_from_file
error 324 Argument $glossary_id is missing from the Docblock of read_glossary_entries_from_file
error 324 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of read_glossary_entries_from_file
error 324 No summary for method read_glossary_entries_from_file()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Glossary_Entry
error 5 No summary for method test_empty_glossary_id()
error 12 No summary for method test_empty_term()
error 19 No summary for method test_empty_part_of_speech()
error 26 No summary for method test_invalid_part_of_speech()
error 33 No summary for method test_negative_last_edited_by()
error 40 No summary for method test_empty_last_edited_by()
error 47 No summary for method test_by_glossary_id()
error 55 No summary for method test_part_of_speech_array_set()
error 60 No summary for method test_delete()
error 73 No summary for method test_mapping_entries_to_originals()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for property $table_basename
error 18 No summary for property $field_names
error 19 No summary for property $int_fields
error 20 No summary for property $non_updatable_attributes
error 22 No summary for property $id
error 23 No summary for property $translation_set_id
error 24 No summary for property $description
error 66 Name of argument $translation_set does not match with the DocBlock's name $project in by_set_or_parent_project()
error 66 The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $translation_set in by_set_or_parent_project()
error 66 Name of argument $project does not match with the DocBlock's name $translation_set in by_set_or_parent_project()
error 66 The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $project in by_set_or_parent_project()
error 91 Argument $set_id is missing from the Docblock of by_set_id
error 91 No summary for method by_set_id()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Translations
error 5 No summary for method test_add_entry()
error 30 No summary for method test_translate()
error 42 No summary for method test_translate_plural()
error 64 No summary for method test_digit_and_merge()
error 76 No summary for method test_if_translation_has_been_updated_since_timestamp()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for property $table_basename
error 18 No summary for property $field_names
error 19 No summary for property $non_db_field_names
error 20 No summary for property $non_updatable_attributes
error 22 No summary for property $object_type
error 23 No summary for property $project_id
error 24 No summary for property $locale_slug
error 25 No summary for property $set_slug
error 56 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of prepare_fields_for_save
error 56 No summary for method prepare_fields_for_save()
error 67 Argument $object_id is missing from the Docblock of project_id_locale_slug_set_slug
error 67 No summary for method project_id_locale_slug_set_slug()
error 71 Argument $project_id is missing from the Docblock of object_id
error 71 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of object_id
error 71 Argument $set_slug is missing from the Docblock of object_id
error 71 No summary for method object_id()
error 75 Argument $project_id is missing from the Docblock of by_project_id
error 75 No summary for method by_project_id()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for property $table_basename
error 18 No summary for property $field_names
error 19 No summary for property $int_fields
error 20 No summary for property $non_updatable_attributes
error 22 No summary for property $id
error 23 No summary for property $project_id
error 24 No summary for property $context
error 25 No summary for property $singular
error 26 No summary for property $plural
error 27 No summary for property $references
error 28 No summary for property $comment
error 29 No summary for property $status
error 30 No summary for property $priority
error 31 No summary for property $date_added
error 33 No summary for property $priorities
error 40 No summary for property $count_cache_group
error 85 Argument $project_id is missing from the Docblock of by_project_id
error 85 No summary for method by_project_id()
error 161 Argument $project_id is missing from the Docblock of by_project_id_and_entry
error 161 Argument $entry is missing from the Docblock of by_project_id_and_entry
error 161 Argument $status is missing from the Docblock of by_project_id_and_entry
error 161 No summary for method by_project_id_and_entry()
error 183 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of import_for_project
error 183 Argument $translations is missing from the Docblock of import_for_project
error 183 No summary for method import_for_project()
error 392 Argument $original_id is missing from the Docblock of set_translations_for_original_to_fuzzy
error 392 No summary for method set_translations_for_original_to_fuzzy()
error 399 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of is_different_from
error 399 Argument $original is missing from the Docblock of is_different_from
error 399 No summary for method is_different_from()
error 412 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of priority_by_name
error 412 No summary for method priority_by_name()
error 417 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of closest_original
error 417 Argument $other_strings is missing from the Docblock of closest_original
error 417 No summary for method closest_original()
error 497 No summary for method get_matching_originals_in_other_projects()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_CLI_Wipe_Permissions
error 5 No summary for method __invoke()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Misc
error 5 No summary for method test_gp_array_flatten()
error 11 No summary for method test_gp_array_zip()
error 22 No summary for method test_gp_array_any()
error 32 No summary for method test_gp_object_has_var_returs_true_if_var_is_null()
error 36 No summary for method test_gp_get_import_file_format()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_My_Table
error 4 No summary for property $field_names
error 5 No summary for property $table_basename
error 8 No summary for class \GP_Test_Thing
error 10 No summary for method setUp()
error 17 No summary for method test_sql_condition_from_php_value()
error 26 No summary for method test_sql_from_conditions()
error 31 No summary for method test_sql_from_order()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Route_Translation
error 4 No summary for property $route_class
error 6 No summary for method test_discard_warning_edit_function()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Route_Translation_Set
error 4 No summary for property $route_class
error 6 No summary for method setUp()
error 11 No summary for method test_single_with_a_non_existent_set_gives_404()
error 16 No summary for method test_single_redirects_to_existing_set()
error 22 No summary for method test_new_get_forbidden_redirect_if_not_logged_in()
error 27 No summary for method test_new_get_forbidden_redirect_if_logged_in_but_without_sufficient_permissions()
error 33 No summary for method test_new_get_admin_can_view_the_form()
error 40 No summary for method test_new_post_invalid_nonce_redirect_if_not_logged_in()
error 45 No summary for method test_new_post_forbidden_redirect_if_logged_in_but_without_sufficient_permissions()
error 53 No summary for method test_new_post_invalid_redirect_if_empty_set()
error 60 No summary for method test_new_post_error_redirect_if_create_was_unsuccessful()
error 70 No summary for method test_new_post_should_add_notice_if_create_was_successful()
error 78 No summary for method test_edit_get_forbidden_redirect_if_not_logged_in()
error 83 No summary for method test_edit_get_forbidden_redirect_if_logged_in_but_without_sufficient_permissions()
error 89 No summary for method test_edit_get_admin_can_view_the_form()
error 96 No summary for method test_edit_post_with_a_non_existent_set_gives_404()
error 103 No summary for method test_edit_post_invalid_nonce_redirect_if_not_logged_in()
error 108 No summary for method test_edit_post_forbidden_redirect_if_logged_in_but_without_sufficient_permissions()
error 115 No summary for method test_edit_post_invalid_redirect_if_empty_set()
error 122 No summary for method test_edit_post_invalid_redirect_if_missing_name()
error 131 No summary for method test_edit_post_should_add_notice_if_update_was_successful()
error 139 No summary for method test_edit_post_error_redirect_if_create_was_unsuccessful()
error 148 No summary for method test_edit_post_the_set_name_should_be_updated()
error 157 No summary for method test_delete_post_with_a_non_existent_set_gives_404()
error 163 No summary for method test_delete_post_forbidden_redirect_if_not_logged_in()
error 169 No summary for method test_delete_post_forbidden_redirect_if_logged_in_but_without_sufficient_permissions()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 6 No summary for class \GP_Test_Meta
error 11 Argument $expected is missing from the Docblock of test_gp_sanitize_meta_key
error 11 Argument $meta_key is missing from the Docblock of test_gp_sanitize_meta_key
error 11 No summary for method test_gp_sanitize_meta_key()
error 15 No summary for method data_meta_keys()
error 28 No summary for method test_gp_get_meta_returns_false_for_falsely_object_ids()
error 36 No summary for method test_gp_get_meta_returns_false_for_falsely_object_types()
error 43 No summary for method test_gp_update_meta_returns_false_for_falsely_object_ids()
error 51 No summary for method test_gp_delete_meta_returns_false_for_falsely_object_ids()
error 59 No summary for method test_update_meta_should_set_meta()
error 64 No summary for method test_gp_update_meta_updates_an_existing_meta_value()
error 70 No summary for method test_delete_meta_without_value_should_delete_meta()
error 76 No summary for method test_delete_meta_with_value_should_delete_only_meta_with_value()
error 86 No summary for method test_gp_update_meta_does_not_update_if_prev_value_equals_new_value()
error 94 No summary for method test_get_meta_uses_cache()
error 115 No summary for method test_get_meta_without_meta_key()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_NOOP_Translations
error 4 No summary for method setUp()
error 11 No summary for method test_get_header()
error 15 No summary for method test_add_entry()
error 20 No summary for method test_set_header()
error 25 No summary for method test_translate_entry()
error 30 No summary for method test_translate()
error 35 No summary for method test_plural()


Type Line Description
error 65 Argument $query_vars is missing from the Docblock of gp_query_vars


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Glossary
error 5 No summary for method test_empty_translation_set_id()
error 12 No summary for method test_by_set_id()
error 20 No summary for method test_by_set_or_parent_project()
error 43 No summary for method test_delete()
error 54 No summary for method test_get_entries()
error 95 No summary for method test_locale_glossary()
error 151 No summary for method test_locale_glossary_without_project_glossary()


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for method new_get()
error 45 No summary for method new_post()
error 80 Argument $glossary_id is missing from the Docblock of edit_get
error 80 No summary for method edit_get()
error 94 Argument $glossary_id is missing from the Docblock of edit_post
error 94 No summary for method edit_post()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 8 No summary for property $name
error 9 No summary for property $extension
error 10 No summary for property $alt_extensions
error 11 No summary for property $filename_pattern
error 13 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 13 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 13 Argument $translation_set is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 13 Argument $entries is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 13 No summary for method print_exported_file()
error 14 Argument $file_name is missing from the Docblock of read_originals_from_file
error 14 No summary for method read_originals_from_file()
error 27 Argument $file_name is missing from the Docblock of read_translations_from_file
error 27 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of read_translations_from_file
error 27 No summary for method read_translations_from_file()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Urls
error 5 No summary for method setUp()
error 19 No summary for method teardown()
error 26 No summary for method _gp_url_base_path_sub_dir()
error 30 No summary for method _gp_url_home_url()
error 34 No summary for method test_gp_url_should_just_add_simple_path_string_if_query_is_missing()
error 37 No summary for method test_gp_url_should_not_add_query_string_if_query_is_empty_string()
error 41 No summary for method test_gp_url_should_not_add_query_string_if_query_is_empty_array()
error 45 No summary for method test_gp_url_should_properly_add_query_string_if_path_is_empty()
error 49 No summary for method test_gp_url_should_add_question_mark_if_query_string_does_not_have_one()
error 53 No summary for method test_gp_url_should_expand_query_array()
error 57 No summary for method test_gp_url_should_add_ampersand_if_path_is_empty_and_query_array_has_more_than_one_value()
error 61 No summary for method test_gp_url_should_add_ampersand_if_query_array_has_more_than_one_value()
error 65 No summary for method test_gp_url_should_not_add_double_slash_if_path_starts_with_slash()
error 69 No summary for method test_gp_url_should_urlencode_query_var_values()
error 73 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_return_the_string_if_single_string_without_slashes_is_passed()
error 77 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_join_with_slash_two_strings_without_slashes()
error 81 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_include_only_one_slash_if_first_string_ends_with_slash_and_next_begins_with_slash()
error 85 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_discard_multiple_slashes_in_the_end_of_component()
error 89 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_discard_multiple_slashes_in_the_beginning_of_component()
error 93 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_not_discard_slash_if_the_whole_first_component_is_slash()
error 98 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_not_discard_slash_if_the_whole_last_component_is_slash()
error 103 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_return_only_one_slash_if_the_only_component_is_a_slash()
error 107 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_return_only_one_slash_if_all_components_are_slashes()
error 111 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_return_only_one_slash_if_all_components_are_multiple_slashes()
error 115 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_skip_empty_components()
error 119 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_skip_empty_components_in_the_beginning()
error 123 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_skip_empty_components_in_the_end()
error 127 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_accept_array_component_with_one_element_and_return_this_element()
error 131 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_join_array_component_values_as_if_they_were_given_as_different_arguments()
error 135 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_flatten_nested_arrays()
error 139 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_return_empty_string_with_nested_empty_arrays()
error 143 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_not_break_http()
error 147 No summary for method test_gp_url_join_should_not_break_https()
error 151 No summary for method test_gp_url_project_should_join_its_arguments()
error 157 No summary for method test_gp_url_project_should_join_its_array_arguments()
error 163 No summary for method test_gp_url_current_should_return_http_url()
error 173 No summary for method test_gp_url_current_should_return_https_url()
error 183 No summary for method test_gp_url_current_should_return_non_standard_port_url()
error 196 No summary for method test_gp_url_base_path_filter()
error 206 No summary for method _gp_url_base_path_filter_single_slash()
error 213 No summary for method test_gp_url_returns_leading_slash_when_permalinks_have_no_trailing_slash()
error 223 No summary for method _gp_url_base_path_filter_empty_string()
error 230 No summary for method test_gp_url_path_returns_single_slash()
error 237 No summary for method test_gp_url_path_returns_empty_string_if_url_has_no_path()
error 244 No summary for method test_gp_url_public_root_has_no_trailing_slash_when_permalinks_have_no_trailing_slash()
error 253 No summary for method test_gp_url_public_root_has_a_trailing_slash_when_permalinks_have_a_trailing_slash()


Type Line Description
error 69 No summary for property $rules
error 71 No summary for property $errors
error 72 No summary for property $field_names
error 74 No summary for property $positive_suffices
error 80 No summary for property $negative_suffices
error 87 Argument $field_names is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 87 No summary for method __construct()
error 91 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __call
error 91 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of __call
error 91 No summary for method __call()
error 123 Argument $thing is missing from the Docblock of run
error 123 No summary for method run()
error 138 Argument $field is missing from the Docblock of run_on_single_field
error 138 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of run_on_single_field
error 138 No summary for method run_on_single_field()
error 181 Argument $rule is missing from the Docblock of construct_error_message
error 181 No summary for method construct_error_message()
error 201 No summary for class \GP_Validators
error 202 No summary for property $callbacks
error 204 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of register
error 204 Argument $callback is missing from the Docblock of register
error 204 Argument $negative_callback is missing from the Docblock of register
error 204 No summary for method register()
error 212 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of unregister
error 212 No summary for method unregister()
error 216 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of get
error 216 No summary for method get()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_CLI_Remove_Multiple_Currents
error 4 No summary for method __invoke()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 6 Argument $vars is missing from the Docblock of gp_set_globals
error 75 Argument $user_id is missing from the Docblock of gp_delete_user_permissions


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Format_Strings
error 5 No summary for method setUp()
error 26 No summary for method test_export()
error 53 No summary for method test_read_originals()
error 67 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_UTF16LE()
error 81 No summary for method test_read_translations()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Thing_Test_Factory
error 4 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of create
error 4 No summary for method create()
error 8 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of save
error 8 No summary for method save()
error 12 No summary for class \GP_Test_Unittest_Factory
error 14 Argument $field_names is missing from the Docblock of create_factory
error 14 Argument $defaults is missing from the Docblock of create_factory
error 14 No summary for method create_factory()
error 20 No summary for method test_generator_sequence_should_start_with_1()
error 25 No summary for method test_generator_sequence_should_generate_consecutive_values()
error 33 No summary for method test_generator_sequence_should_include_value_in_template()
error 38 No summary for method test_generator_sequence_should_start_with_2()
error 43 No summary for method test_generator_sequence_should_generate_consecutive_values_in_template()
error 50 No summary for method test_generator_locale_name_should_start_with_aa()
error 55 No summary for method test_generator_locale_name_should_generate_consecutive_values()
error 63 No summary for method test_factory_for_thing_should_construct_with_factory_and_thing_object()
error 68 No summary for method test_factory_for_thing_generate_args_should_not_touch_args_if_no_generation_definitions()
error 74 No summary for method test_factory_for_thing_generate_args_should_not_touch_args_if_different_generation_defintions()
error 80 No summary for method test_factory_for_thing_generate_args_should_set_undefined_scalar_values()
error 85 No summary for method test_factory_for_thing_generate_args_should_use_generator()
error 94 No summary for method test_factory_for_thing_generate_args_should_return_error_on_bad_default_value()
error 99 No summary for method test_factory_for_thing_generate_args_should_use_default_generator_definition_if_non_given()
error 104 No summary for method test_factory_for_thing_create_should_call_create_once()
error 112 Argument $expected_create_args is missing from the Docblock of create_thing_mock_with_name_field_and_with_create_which_should_be_called_once_with
error 112 No summary for method create_thing_mock_with_name_field_and_with_create_which_should_be_called_once_with()
error 119 No summary for method test_factory_for_thing_create_should_use_function_generator()
error 133 Argument $create_args is missing from the Docblock of create_thing_stub_with_name_and_full_name_which_on_create_returns_mock_whose_save_should_be_called_with
error 133 Argument $expected_save_args is missing from the Docblock of create_thing_stub_with_name_and_full_name_which_on_create_returns_mock_whose_save_should_be_called_with
error 133 No summary for method create_thing_stub_with_name_and_full_name_which_on_create_returns_mock_whose_save_should_be_called_with()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_CLI_Translation_Set
error 57 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of export
error 57 Argument $assoc_args is missing from the Docblock of export
error 117 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of import
error 117 Argument $assoc_args is missing from the Docblock of import
error 154 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of recheck_warnings
error 154 Argument $assoc_args is missing from the Docblock of recheck_warnings


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for method index()
error 23 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of single
error 23 No summary for method single()
error 77 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of personal_options_post
error 77 No summary for method personal_options_post()
error 107 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of import_originals_get
error 107 No summary for method import_originals_get()
error 122 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of import_originals_post
error 122 No summary for method import_originals_post()
error 181 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of edit_get
error 181 No summary for method edit_get()
error 195 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of edit_post
error 195 No summary for method edit_post()
error 290 No summary for method new_get()
error 302 No summary for method new_post()
error 332 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of permissions_get
error 332 No summary for method permissions_get()
error 366 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of permissions_post
error 366 No summary for method permissions_post()
error 407 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of permissions_delete
error 407 Argument $permission_id is missing from the Docblock of permissions_delete
error 407 No summary for method permissions_delete()
error 435 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of mass_create_sets_get
error 435 No summary for method mass_create_sets_get()
error 449 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of mass_create_sets_post
error 449 No summary for method mass_create_sets_post()
error 503 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of mass_create_sets_preview_post
error 503 No summary for method mass_create_sets_preview_post()
error 524 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of branch_project_get
error 524 No summary for method branch_project_get()
error 539 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of branch_project_post
error 539 No summary for method branch_project_post()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for property $projects


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_CLI_Branch_Project
error 17 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of __invoke


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_CLI_Regenerate_Paths
error 4 No summary for method __invoke()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 4 No summary for class \GP_Locale
error 5 No summary for property $english_name
error 6 No summary for property $native_name
error 7 No summary for property $text_direction
error 8 No summary for property $lang_code_iso_639_1
error 9 No summary for property $lang_code_iso_639_2
error 10 No summary for property $lang_code_iso_639_3
error 11 No summary for property $country_code
error 12 No summary for property $wp_locale
error 13 No summary for property $slug
error 14 No summary for property $nplurals
error 15 No summary for property $plural_expression
error 16 No summary for property $google_code
error 17 No summary for property $preferred_sans_serif_font_family
error 18 No summary for property $facebook_locale
error 19 No summary for property $alphabet
error 20 No summary for property $word_count_type
error 31 No summary for property $_index_for_number
error 33 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 33 No summary for method __construct()
error 39 Argument $state is missing from the Docblock of __set_state
error 39 No summary for method __set_state()
error 70 No summary for method combined_name()
error 75 Argument $index is missing from the Docblock of numbers_for_index
error 75 Argument $how_many is missing from the Docblock of numbers_for_index
error 75 Argument $test_up_to is missing from the Docblock of numbers_for_index
error 75 No summary for method numbers_for_index()
error 91 Argument $number is missing from the Docblock of index_for_number
error 91 No summary for method index_for_number()
error 119 No summary for class \GP_Locales
error 121 No summary for property $locales
error 123 No summary for method __construct()
error 2843 No summary for method instance()
error 2850 No summary for method locales()
error 2855 Argument $slug is missing from the Docblock of exists
error 2855 No summary for method exists()
error 2860 Argument $slug is missing from the Docblock of by_slug
error 2860 No summary for method by_slug()
error 2865 Argument $field_name is missing from the Docblock of by_field
error 2865 Argument $field_value is missing from the Docblock of by_field
error 2865 No summary for method by_field()


Type Line Description
error 17 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of import_translations_get
error 17 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of import_translations_get
error 17 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of import_translations_get
error 17 No summary for method import_translations_get()
error 43 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of import_translations_post
error 43 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of import_translations_post
error 43 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of import_translations_post
error 43 No summary for method import_translations_post()
error 112 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of export_translations_get
error 112 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of export_translations_get
error 112 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of export_translations_get
error 112 No summary for method export_translations_get()
error 178 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of translations_get
error 178 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of translations_get
error 178 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of translations_get
error 178 No summary for method translations_get()
error 243 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of translations_post
error 243 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of translations_post
error 243 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of translations_post
error 243 No summary for method translations_post()
error 368 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of bulk_post
error 368 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of bulk_post
error 368 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of bulk_post
error 368 No summary for method bulk_post()
error 433 Argument $bulk is missing from the Docblock of _bulk_approve
error 433 No summary for method _bulk_approve()
error 620 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of _bulk_set_priority
error 620 Argument $bulk is missing from the Docblock of _bulk_set_priority
error 620 No summary for method _bulk_set_priority()
error 679 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of discard_warning
error 679 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of discard_warning
error 679 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of discard_warning
error 679 No summary for method discard_warning()
error 690 Argument $project_path is missing from the Docblock of set_status
error 690 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of set_status
error 690 Argument $translation_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of set_status
error 690 No summary for method set_status()
error 811 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of set_status_edit_function
error 811 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of set_status_edit_function
error 811 Argument $translation_set is missing from the Docblock of set_status_edit_function
error 811 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of set_status_edit_function
error 811 No summary for method set_status_edit_function()
error 819 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of can_approve_translation_or_forbidden
error 819 No summary for method can_approve_translation_or_forbidden()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Permissions
error 5 No summary for method test_create_find()
error 12 No summary for method test_create_find_with_nulls()
error 21 No summary for method test_user_can()
error 31 No summary for method test_admin_should_be_able_to_do_random_actions()
error 37 No summary for method test_non_admin_should_not_be_able_to_do_random_actions()
error 43 No summary for method test_logged_out_permissions()
error 49 No summary for method test_recursive_project_permissions()
error 61 No summary for method test_recursive_validator_permissions()
error 79 No summary for method test_approve_translation_set_permissions()
error 102 Argument $expected is missing from the Docblock of assertEqualPermissions
error 102 Argument $actual is missing from the Docblock of assertEqualPermissions
error 102 No summary for method assertEqualPermissions()
error 111 No summary for method test_permissions_delete_on_user_delete()
error 130 No summary for method test_administrator_permissions_create()
error 142 No summary for method test_import_permissions()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Format_Jed1x
error 7 No summary for property $translation_set
error 12 No summary for property $locale
error 17 No summary for property $format
error 19 No summary for method setUp()
error 32 No summary for method test_format_name()
error 36 No summary for method test_format_extension()
error 40 No summary for method test_print_exported_file_can_be_decoded()
error 50 No summary for method test_print_exported_file_has_valid_format()
error 76 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file_non_existent_file()
error 80 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file_invalid_file()
error 84 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file_missing_domain()
error 88 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file_missing_locale_data()
error 92 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file()
error 101 No summary for method test_read_translations_from_file_non_existent_file()
error 105 No summary for method test_read_translations_from_file_missing_domain()
error 109 No summary for method test_read_translations_from_file_missing_locale_data()
error 113 No summary for method test_read_translations_from_file()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Route
error 4 No summary for property $route_class
error 6 No summary for method test_headers_for_download_function_includes_double_quote_around_file_name()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_CLI_Upgrade_Set_Permissions
error 5 No summary for method __invoke()


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for property $field_names
error 18 No summary for property $non_db_field_names
error 19 No summary for property $int_fields
error 20 No summary for property $validation_rules
error 21 No summary for property $per_page
error 22 No summary for property $map_results
error 23 No summary for property $static
error 25 No summary for property $class
error 26 No summary for property $table_basename
error 27 No summary for property $id
error 28 No summary for property $non_updatable_attributes
error 29 No summary for property $default_conditions
error 30 No summary for property $table
error 31 No summary for property $errors
error 33 No summary for property $static_by_class
error 34 No summary for property $validation_rules_by_class
error 36 Argument $fields is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 36 No summary for method __construct()
error 61 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of get_static
error 61 Argument $default is missing from the Docblock of get_static
error 61 No summary for method get_static()
error 65 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of has_static
error 65 No summary for method has_static()
error 69 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of set_static
error 69 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of set_static
error 69 No summary for method set_static()
error 78 Argument $order is missing from the Docblock of all
error 382 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of update
error 382 Name of argument $where does not match with the DocBlock's name $data in update()
error 531 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of prepare_fields_for_save
error 551 No summary for method now_in_mysql_format()
error 556 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of prepare_fields_for_create
error 556 No summary for method prepare_fields_for_create()
error 563 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of get_db_field_formats
error 563 No summary for method get_db_field_formats()
error 656 Argument $conditions is missing from the Docblock of sql_from_conditions
error 656 No summary for method sql_from_conditions()
error 684 Argument $order_by is missing from the Docblock of sql_from_order
error 684 Argument $order_how is missing from the Docblock of sql_from_order
error 684 No summary for method sql_from_order()
error 699 Argument $conditions is missing from the Docblock of select_all_from_conditions_and_order
error 699 Argument $order is missing from the Docblock of select_all_from_conditions_and_order
error 699 No summary for method select_all_from_conditions_and_order()
error 723 No summary for method validate()
error 729 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of force_false_to_null
error 729 No summary for method force_false_to_null()
error 733 No summary for method fields()
error 743 Argument $page is missing from the Docblock of sql_limit_for_paging
error 743 Argument $per_page is missing from the Docblock of sql_limit_for_paging
error 743 No summary for method sql_limit_for_paging()
error 752 No summary for method found_rows()
error 757 Argument $s is missing from the Docblock of like_escape_printf
error 757 No summary for method like_escape_printf()
error 762 Argument $conditions_str is missing from the Docblock of apply_default_conditions
error 762 No summary for method apply_default_conditions()


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for property $table_basename
error 18 No summary for property $field_names
error 19 No summary for property $int_fields
error 20 No summary for property $non_updatable_attributes
error 22 No summary for property $parts_of_speech
error 24 No summary for property $id
error 25 No summary for property $glossary_id
error 26 No summary for property $term
error 27 No summary for property $part_of_speech
error 28 No summary for property $comment
error 29 No summary for property $translation
error 30 No summary for property $date_modified
error 31 No summary for property $last_edited_by
error 34 Argument $fields is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 34 No summary for method __construct()
error 90 Argument $glossary_id is missing from the Docblock of by_glossary_id
error 90 No summary for method by_glossary_id()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 7 Argument $verdict is missing from the Docblock of gp_recurse_project_permissions
error 7 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of gp_recurse_project_permissions
error 18 Argument $verdict is missing from the Docblock of gp_recurse_validator_permission
error 18 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of gp_recurse_validator_permission
error 18 No summary for function \gp_recurse_validator_permission()
error 32 Argument $verdict is missing from the Docblock of gp_route_translation_set_permissions_to_validator_permissions
error 32 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of gp_route_translation_set_permissions_to_validator_permissions
error 32 No summary for function \gp_route_translation_set_permissions_to_validator_permissions()
error 54 Argument $verdict is missing from the Docblock of gp_allow_everyone_to_translate
error 54 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of gp_allow_everyone_to_translate
error 54 No summary for function \gp_allow_everyone_to_translate()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Router
error 5 No summary for property $api_prefix
error 6 No summary for property $urls
error 8 Argument $urls is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 8 No summary for method __construct()
error 41 No summary for method request_method()
error 45 Argument $re is missing from the Docblock of add
error 45 Argument $function is missing from the Docblock of add
error 45 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of add
error 45 No summary for method add()
error 49 Argument $re is missing from the Docblock of prepend
error 49 Argument $function is missing from the Docblock of prepend
error 49 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of prepend
error 49 No summary for method prepend()
error 53 Argument $re is missing from the Docblock of remove
error 53 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of remove
error 53 No summary for method remove()
error 62 No summary for method default_routes()
error 161 No summary for method route()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Links
error 5 No summary for method test_gp_link_get_simple()
error 9 No summary for method test_gp_link_get_attributes()
error 14 No summary for method test_gp_link_get_should_put_the_before_attribute_before_the_link()
error 18 No summary for method test_gp_link_get_should_put_the_after_attribute_after_the_link()
error 22 No summary for method test_gp_link_get_should_put_the_before_and_after_attributes_before_and_after_the_link()
error 26 No summary for method test_gp_link_get_escape()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Format_ResX
error 5 No summary for property $name
error 6 No summary for property $extension
error 7 No summary for property $alt_extensions
error 9 No summary for property $exported
error 11 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 11 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 11 Argument $translation_set is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 11 Argument $entries is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 11 No summary for method print_exported_file()
error 52 Argument $file_name is missing from the Docblock of read_originals_from_file
error 52 No summary for method read_originals_from_file()
error 84 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of line
error 84 Argument $prepend_tabs is missing from the Docblock of line
error 84 No summary for method line()
error 88 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of res_header
error 88 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of res_header
error 88 No summary for method res_header()
error 94 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of unescape
error 94 No summary for method unescape()
error 98 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of escape
error 98 No summary for method escape()
error 104 No summary for method add_schema_info()
error 166 No summary for method add_schema_declaration()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Thing_Translation_set
error 5 No summary for method test_copy_translations_from_should_copy_into_empty_set()
error 18 No summary for method test_import_should_save_user_info()
error 33 No summary for method test_import_should_save_fuzzy()
error 49 No summary for method test_import_should_save_forced_fuzzy()
error 69 No summary for method test_import_should_skip_existing_when_importing_fuzzy()
error 84 No summary for method test_import_should_generate_warnings()
error 96 No summary for method test_import_should_not_import_translations_with_warnings_twice()
error 116 No summary for method test_import_should_not_change_fuzzy_status_if_warnings()
error 129 No summary for method test_import_should_not_import_existing_same_translation()
error 142 No summary for method test_import_should_import_over_existing_different_translation_by_default()
error 155 No summary for method test_filter_translation_set_import_over_existing()
error 170 No summary for method test_user_can_reject_his_own_translation()
error 196 No summary for method test_filter_translation_set_import_fuzzy_translations()
error 229 No summary for method test_delete()
error 245 No summary for method test_update_status_breakdown_updates_pre_2_1_cached_values()
error 262 No summary for method test_created_action_is_called()
error 274 No summary for method test_saved_action_is_called()
error 291 No summary for method test_deleted_action_is_called()
error 305 No summary for method test_previous_state_is_passed_to_saved_action()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for method locales_get()
error 35 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of single
error 35 Argument $current_set_slug is missing from the Docblock of single
error 35 No summary for method single()
error 143 Argument $set is missing from the Docblock of set_data
error 143 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of set_data
error 143 Argument $set_data is missing from the Docblock of set_data
error 143 No summary for method set_data()
error 167 Argument $a is missing from the Docblock of sort_locales
error 167 Argument $b is missing from the Docblock of sort_locales
error 167 No summary for method sort_locales()
error 171 Argument $a is missing from the Docblock of sort_sets_by_project_id
error 171 Argument $b is missing from the Docblock of sort_sets_by_project_id
error 171 No summary for method sort_sets_by_project_id()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 69 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of gp_const_get
error 69 Argument $default is missing from the Docblock of gp_const_get
error 69 No summary for function \gp_const_get()
error 73 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of gp_const_set
error 73 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of gp_const_set
error 73 No summary for function \gp_const_set()
error 82 Argument $object is missing from the Docblock of gp_member_get
error 82 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of gp_member_get
error 82 Argument $default is missing from the Docblock of gp_member_get
error 82 No summary for function \gp_member_get()
error 156 No summary for function \gp_populate_notices()
error 251 Argument $callback is missing from the Docblock of gp_array_any
error 251 Argument $array is missing from the Docblock of gp_array_any
error 251 Argument $arg is missing from the Docblock of gp_array_any
error 251 No summary for function \gp_array_any()
error 266 Argument $callback is missing from the Docblock of gp_array_all
error 266 Argument $array is missing from the Docblock of gp_array_all
error 266 No summary for function \gp_array_all()
error 275 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of gp_error_log_dump
error 275 No summary for function \gp_error_log_dump()
error 282 Argument $object is missing from the Docblock of gp_object_has_var
error 282 Argument $var_name is missing from the Docblock of gp_object_has_var
error 282 No summary for function \gp_object_has_var()
error 423 Name of argument $start does not match with the DocBlock's name $value in \gp_is_between()
error 423 Name of argument $end does not match with the DocBlock's name $value in \gp_is_between()
error 433 Argument $start is missing from the Docblock of gp_is_between_exclusive
error 433 Name of argument $start does not match with the DocBlock's name $value in \gp_is_between_exclusive()
error 433 Argument $end is missing from the Docblock of gp_is_between_exclusive
error 433 Name of argument $end does not match with the DocBlock's name $value in \gp_is_between_exclusive()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 348 Argument $entry is missing from the Docblock of textareas
error 348 Argument $permissions is missing from the Docblock of textareas
error 348 Argument $index is missing from the Docblock of textareas
error 348 No summary for function \textareas()
error 398 Argument $status is missing from the Docblock of display_status
error 398 No summary for function \display_status()
error 422 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of references
error 422 Argument $entry is missing from the Docblock of references
error 422 No summary for function \references()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Format_Android
error 4 No summary for method setUp()
error 21 No summary for method test_export()
error 43 No summary for method test_read_originals()
error 56 No summary for method test_read_original_with_xliff()
error 111 No summary for method test_read_translations()
error 129 No summary for method test_escape()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Builtin_Translation_Warnings
error 5 No summary for method setUp()
error 13 Argument $assert is missing from the Docblock of _assertWarning
error 13 Argument $warning is missing from the Docblock of _assertWarning
error 13 Argument $original is missing from the Docblock of _assertWarning
error 13 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of _assertWarning
error 13 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of _assertWarning
error 13 No summary for method _assertWarning()
error 21 Argument $warning is missing from the Docblock of assertHasWarnings
error 21 Argument $original is missing from the Docblock of assertHasWarnings
error 21 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of assertHasWarnings
error 21 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of assertHasWarnings
error 21 No summary for method assertHasWarnings()
error 25 Argument $warning is missing from the Docblock of assertNoWarnings
error 25 Argument $original is missing from the Docblock of assertNoWarnings
error 25 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of assertNoWarnings
error 25 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of assertNoWarnings
error 25 No summary for method assertNoWarnings()
error 29 Argument $warning is missing from the Docblock of assertHasWarningsAndContainsOutput
error 29 Argument $original is missing from the Docblock of assertHasWarningsAndContainsOutput
error 29 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of assertHasWarningsAndContainsOutput
error 29 Argument $output_expected is missing from the Docblock of assertHasWarningsAndContainsOutput
error 29 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of assertHasWarningsAndContainsOutput
error 29 No summary for method assertHasWarningsAndContainsOutput()
error 38 Argument $singular is missing from the Docblock of assertContainsOutput
error 38 Argument $plural is missing from the Docblock of assertContainsOutput
error 38 Argument $translations is missing from the Docblock of assertContainsOutput
error 38 Argument $output_expected is missing from the Docblock of assertContainsOutput
error 38 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of assertContainsOutput
error 38 No summary for method assertContainsOutput()
error 45 No summary for method test_length()
error 56 No summary for method test_length_exclude()
error 63 No summary for method test_tags()
error 183 No summary for method test_add_all()
error 191 No summary for method test_placeholders()
error 276 No summary for method test_should_begin_end_on_newline()
error 318 No summary for method test_placeholders_using_check()
error 417 No summary for method test_mismatching_urls()
error 552 No summary for method test_named_placeholders()
error 611 No summary for method test_unexpected_start_end_space()
error 658 No summary for method test_missing_uppercase_beginning()
error 712 No summary for method test_chained_warnings()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 6 No summary for class \GP_Test_Strings
error 7 No summary for method test_gp_string_similarity()
error 22 Argument $expected is missing from the Docblock of test_gp_esc_attr_with_entities
error 22 Argument $attribute is missing from the Docblock of test_gp_esc_attr_with_entities
error 22 No summary for method test_gp_esc_attr_with_entities()
error 26 No summary for method data_attributes_with_entities()
error 37 Argument $expected is missing from the Docblock of test_esc_translation
error 37 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of test_esc_translation
error 37 No summary for method test_esc_translation()
error 41 No summary for method data_translations_with_entities()
error 49 No summary for method test_gp_sanitize_project_name()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Format_ResX
error 4 No summary for method setUp()
error 20 No summary for method test_export()
error 43 No summary for method test_read_originals()
error 56 No summary for method test_read_translations()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Format_Properties
error 5 No summary for property $name
error 6 No summary for property $extension
error 7 No summary for property $filename_pattern
error 9 No summary for property $exported


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Builtin_Translation_Errors
error 5 No summary for method setUp()
error 14 Argument $assert is missing from the Docblock of _assertError
error 14 Argument $error is missing from the Docblock of _assertError
error 14 Argument $original is missing from the Docblock of _assertError
error 14 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of _assertError
error 14 Argument $gp_original is missing from the Docblock of _assertError
error 14 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of _assertError
error 14 No summary for method _assertError()
error 22 Argument $error is missing from the Docblock of assertHasErrors
error 22 Argument $original is missing from the Docblock of assertHasErrors
error 22 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of assertHasErrors
error 22 Argument $gp_original is missing from the Docblock of assertHasErrors
error 22 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of assertHasErrors
error 22 No summary for method assertHasErrors()
error 26 Argument $error is missing from the Docblock of assertNoErrors
error 26 Argument $original is missing from the Docblock of assertNoErrors
error 26 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of assertNoErrors
error 26 Argument $gp_original is missing from the Docblock of assertNoErrors
error 26 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of assertNoErrors
error 26 No summary for method assertNoErrors()
error 30 Argument $error is missing from the Docblock of assertHasErrorsAndContainsOutput
error 30 Argument $original is missing from the Docblock of assertHasErrorsAndContainsOutput
error 30 Argument $translation is missing from the Docblock of assertHasErrorsAndContainsOutput
error 30 Argument $gp_original is missing from the Docblock of assertHasErrorsAndContainsOutput
error 30 Argument $output_expected is missing from the Docblock of assertHasErrorsAndContainsOutput
error 30 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of assertHasErrorsAndContainsOutput
error 30 No summary for method assertHasErrorsAndContainsOutput()
error 39 Argument $singular is missing from the Docblock of assertContainsOutput
error 39 Argument $plural is missing from the Docblock of assertContainsOutput
error 39 Argument $translations is missing from the Docblock of assertContainsOutput
error 39 Argument $comment is missing from the Docblock of assertContainsOutput
error 39 Argument $output_expected is missing from the Docblock of assertContainsOutput
error 39 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of assertContainsOutput
error 39 No summary for method assertContainsOutput()
error 46 No summary for method test_error_unexpected_sprintf_token()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Thing_Translation
error 5 No summary for method test_translation_approve_change_status()
error 29 No summary for method test_translation_changesrequested_change_status()
error 63 No summary for method test_translation_denied_approve_change_status()
error 96 No summary for method test_translation_denied_changesrequested_change_status()
error 129 No summary for method test_translation_should_support_6_plurals()
error 136 No summary for method test_translation_should_write_all_6_plurals_to_database()
error 150 No summary for method test_translation_should_not_validate_with_empty_plurals()
error 176 No summary for method test_translation_should_not_report_empty_translation_set_id_as_translation_value_error()
error 198 No summary for method test_for_translation_shouldnt_exclude_originals_with_rejected_translation_if_status_has_untranslated()
error 215 No summary for method test_for_translation_should_include_untranslated_by_default()
error 229 No summary for method test_for_translation_should_not_include_old_by_default()
error 247 No summary for method test_for_translation_should_not_include_untranslated_for_single_status()
error 260 No summary for method test_for_changesrequested_should_not_include_untranslated_for_single_status()
error 273 No summary for method test_for_translation_should_respect_priorities()
error 286 No summary for method test_for_export_should_include_untranslated()
error 305 No summary for method test_for_export_should_include_changesrequested()
error 325 No summary for method test_delete()
error 339 No summary for method test_validator_id_saved_on_status_change_to_current()
error 357 No summary for method test_validator_id_saved_on_status_change_to_rejected()
error 375 No summary for method test_validator_id_saved_on_status_change_to_changesrequested()
error 393 No summary for method test_cannot_reject_translation_without_approve_permission()
error 405 No summary for method test_cannot_changesrequested_translation_without_approve_permission()
error 418 No summary for method test_cannot_approve_translation_without_approve_permission()
error 430 No summary for method test_previous_state_is_passed_to_saved_action()
error 454 No summary for method test_filter_by_permission()
error 488 No summary for method test_when_update_a_changedrequested_translation_it_is_set_to_old_status()
error 526 No summary for method test_when_update_the_same_changedrequested_translation_two_times_it_is_set_to_old_status()
error 588 No summary for method test_when_update_a_waiting_translation_it_is_set_to_old_status()
error 607 No summary for method test_when_update_a_waiting_translation_it_is_set_to_old_status_and_dont_set_as_old_the_suggestions_from_other_users()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for property $table_basename
error 18 No summary for property $field_names
error 19 No summary for property $non_db_field_names
error 20 No summary for property $int_fields
error 21 No summary for property $non_updatable_attributes
error 215 Argument $project_id is missing from the Docblock of by_project_id_slug_and_locale
error 215 Argument $slug is missing from the Docblock of by_project_id_slug_and_locale
error 215 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of by_project_id_slug_and_locale
error 215 No summary for method by_project_id_slug_and_locale()
error 238 Argument $locale_slug is missing from the Docblock of by_locale
error 238 No summary for method by_locale()
error 246 No summary for method existing_locales()
error 253 No summary for method existing_slugs()
error 260 Argument $project_id is missing from the Docblock of by_project_id
error 260 No summary for method by_project_id()
error 690 Argument $source_translation_set_id is missing from the Docblock of copy_translations_from
error 722 No summary for method percent_translated()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for property $table_basename
error 18 No summary for property $field_names
error 19 No summary for property $int_fields
error 20 No summary for property $non_updatable_attributes
error 22 No summary for property $id
error 23 No summary for property $name
error 24 No summary for property $slug
error 25 No summary for property $path
error 26 No summary for property $description
error 27 No summary for property $parent_project_id
error 28 No summary for property $source_url_template
error 29 No summary for property $active
error 30 No summary for property $user_source_url_template
error 46 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of by_path
error 46 No summary for method by_path()
error 105 No summary for method top_level()
error 264 Argument $parent_project_id is missing from the Docblock of regenerate_paths
error 281 Argument $file is missing from the Docblock of source_url
error 281 Argument $line is missing from the Docblock of source_url
error 281 No summary for method source_url()
error 300 No summary for method source_url_template()
error 335 Argument $other_project is missing from the Docblock of set_difference_from
error 335 No summary for method set_difference_from()
error 359 Argument $set is missing from the Docblock of _compare_set_item
error 359 Argument $this_set is missing from the Docblock of _compare_set_item
error 359 No summary for method _compare_set_item()
error 363 Argument $source_project_id is missing from the Docblock of copy_sets_and_translations_from
error 363 No summary for method copy_sets_and_translations_from()
error 388 Argument $source_project_id is missing from the Docblock of copy_originals_from
error 388 No summary for method copy_originals_from()
error 417 Argument $source_project is missing from the Docblock of duplicate_project_contents_from
error 417 No summary for method duplicate_project_contents_from()


Type Line Description
error 17 Argument $original_id is missing from the Docblock of set_priority
error 17 No summary for method set_priority()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Format_PHP
error 7 No summary for property $translation_set
error 12 No summary for property $locale
error 17 No summary for property $format
error 19 No summary for method setUp()
error 31 No summary for method test_format_name()
error 35 No summary for method test_format_extension()
error 39 No summary for method test_print_exported_file()
error 65 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file()
error 69 No summary for method test_read_translations_from_file()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Locale
error 6 No summary for method test_rtl_old()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \Mouse
error 4 No summary for property $table_basename
error 5 No summary for property $field_names
error 6 No summary for property $non_updatable_attributes
error 8 Argument $rules is missing from the Docblock of restrict_fields
error 8 No summary for method restrict_fields()
error 13 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of normalize_fields
error 13 No summary for method normalize_fields()
error 23 No summary for class \GP_Test_Validation
error 24 No summary for method setUp()
error 31 No summary for method test_basic()
error 38 No summary for method test_is_int()
error 52 No summary for method test_between()
error 58 No summary for method test_one_of()
error 67 No summary for method test_is_ascii_string()
error 79 No summary for method test_is_starting_and_ending_with_a_word_character()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_CLI_Add_Admin
error 12 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of __invoke
error 12 Argument $assoc_args is missing from the Docblock of __invoke


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_UnitTestCase_Route
error 4 No summary for property $route
error 5 No summary for property $route_class
error 7 No summary for method setUp()
error 15 No summary for method assertRedirected()
error 19 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of assertRedirectURLContains
error 19 No summary for method assertRedirectURLContains()
error 24 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of assertThereIsAnErrorContaining
error 24 No summary for method assertThereIsAnErrorContaining()
error 28 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of assertThereIsANoticeContaining
error 28 No summary for method assertThereIsANoticeContaining()
error 32 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of assertThereIsAnArrayElementContaining
error 32 Argument $array is missing from the Docblock of assertThereIsAnArrayElementContaining
error 32 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of assertThereIsAnArrayElementContaining
error 32 No summary for method assertThereIsAnArrayElementContaining()
error 39 No summary for method assertNotAllowedRedirect()
error 44 No summary for method assertInvalidNonceRedirect()
error 49 No summary for method assertInvalidRedirect()
error 54 No summary for method assertErrorRedirect()
error 59 Argument $template is missing from the Docblock of assertTemplateLoadedIs
error 59 No summary for method assertTemplateLoadedIs()
error 64 No summary for method assertTemplateOutputNotEmpty()
error 68 No summary for method assert404()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 6 Argument $haystack is missing from the Docblock of gp_startswith
error 6 Argument $needle is missing from the Docblock of gp_startswith
error 10 Argument $haystack is missing from the Docblock of gp_endswith
error 10 Argument $needle is missing from the Docblock of gp_endswith
error 10 No summary for function \gp_endswith()
error 14 Argument $needle is missing from the Docblock of gp_in
error 14 Argument $haystack is missing from the Docblock of gp_in
error 14 No summary for function \gp_in()
error 62 Argument $str1 is missing from the Docblock of gp_string_similarity
error 62 Argument $str2 is missing from the Docblock of gp_string_similarity
error 62 No summary for function \gp_string_similarity()
error 85 Argument $str1 is missing from the Docblock of gp_levenshtein
error 85 Argument $str2 is missing from the Docblock of gp_levenshtein
error 85 Argument $length1 is missing from the Docblock of gp_levenshtein
error 85 Argument $length2 is missing from the Docblock of gp_levenshtein
error 85 No summary for function \gp_levenshtein()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 6 No summary for class \MockOriginal
error 7 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of update
error 7 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of update
error 7 No summary for method update()
error 13 No summary for class \GP_Test_Thing_Original
error 15 Argument $original_args is missing from the Docblock of create_original_with_update_counter
error 15 No summary for method create_original_with_update_counter()
error 26 Argument $entries is missing from the Docblock of create_translations_with
error 26 No summary for method create_translations_with()
error 34 No summary for method test_import_for_project_should_not_update_unchanged_originals()
error 41 No summary for method test_import_for_project_should_update_changed_originals()
error 50 No summary for method test_import_for_project_should_update_cache()
error 61 No summary for method test_is_different_from_should_return_true_if_only_singular_is_for_update_and_it_is_the_same()
error 66 No summary for method test_is_different_from_should_return_true_if_one_value_is_empty_string_and_the_other_is_null()
error 71 No summary for method test_is_different_from_should_use_this_if_second_argument_is_not_supplied()
error 80 No summary for method test_original_should_validate_if_singular_is_zero()
error 86 No summary for method test_import_should_leave_unchanged_strings_as_active()
error 96 No summary for method test_import_should_mark_translation_of_changed_strings_as_fuzzy()
error 117 No summary for method test_import_should_not_mark_translation_of_changed_strings_as_fuzzy_with_filter()
error 145 No summary for method test_import_should_clean_project_count_cache()
error 166 No summary for method test_import_should_remove_from_active_missing_strings()
error 174 No summary for method test_normalize_fields_should_convert_named_priorities_to_numeric_by_name()
error 180 No summary for method test_normalize_fields_should_not_convert_numeric_priorities_to_numeric_by_name()
error 186 No summary for method test_normalize_fields_should_unset_priority_if_named_priority_is_missing()
error 192 No summary for method test_by_project_id_and_entry_should_match_case()
error 210 No summary for method test_import_for_project_with_context_which_exceeds_the_maximum_length_of_255()
error 266 No summary for method test_return_types_of_count_by_project_id()
error 291 No summary for method test_previous_state_is_passed_to_saved_action()
error 312 No summary for method test_delete()
error 327 No summary for method test_import_should_respect_priority_in_flags()


Type Line Description
error 68 Argument $base is missing from the Docblock of gp_url_add_path_and_query
error 68 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of gp_url_add_path_and_query
error 68 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of gp_url_add_path_and_query
error 68 No summary for function \gp_url_add_path_and_query()
error 106 Argument $project_or_path is missing from the Docblock of gp_url_project_locale
error 106 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of gp_url_project_locale
error 106 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of gp_url_project_locale
error 106 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of gp_url_project_locale
error 157 Argument $user_nicename is missing from the Docblock of gp_url_profile
error 157 No summary for function \gp_url_profile()
error 170 No summary for function \gp_url_base_path()
error 181 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of gp_plugin_url
error 181 No summary for function \gp_plugin_url()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Format_Properties
error 5 No summary for method setUp()
error 22 No summary for method test_export()
error 47 No summary for method test_read_originals()
error 63 No summary for method test_read_translations()


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for property $table_basename
error 18 No summary for property $field_names
error 19 No summary for property $non_db_field_names
error 20 No summary for property $non_updatable_attributes


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Format_NGX
error 7 No summary for property $translation_set
error 12 No summary for property $locale
error 17 No summary for property $format
error 19 No summary for method setUp()
error 31 No summary for method test_format_name()
error 35 No summary for method test_format_extension()
error 39 No summary for method test_print_exported_file_can_be_decoded()
error 49 No summary for method test_print_exported_file_has_valid_format()
error 65 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file_non_existent_file()
error 69 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file_invalid_file()
error 73 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file()
error 82 No summary for method test_read_translations_from_file_non_existent_file()
error 86 No summary for method test_read_translations_from_file_invalid_file()
error 90 No summary for method test_read_translations_from_file()


Type Line Description
error 16 No summary for method index()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 2 Argument $template is missing from the Docblock of gp_tmpl_load
error 2 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of gp_tmpl_load
error 2 Argument $template_path is missing from the Docblock of gp_tmpl_load
error 2 No summary for function \gp_tmpl_load()
error 70 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of gp_tmpl_header
error 70 No summary for function \gp_tmpl_header()
error 74 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of gp_tmpl_footer
error 74 No summary for function \gp_tmpl_footer()
error 78 No summary for function \gp_head()
error 87 No summary for function \gp_footer()
error 96 Argument $location is missing from the Docblock of gp_nav_menu
error 96 No summary for function \gp_nav_menu()
error 112 Argument $location is missing from the Docblock of gp_nav_menu_items
error 112 No summary for function \gp_nav_menu_items()
error 140 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of gp_tmpl_filter_args
error 140 No summary for function \gp_tmpl_filter_args()
error 150 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of gp_tmpl_404
error 150 No summary for function \gp_tmpl_404()
error 161 Argument $title is missing from the Docblock of gp_title
error 161 No summary for function \gp_title()
error 183 Argument $breadcrumb is missing from the Docblock of gp_breadcrumb
error 183 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of gp_breadcrumb
error 183 No summary for function \gp_breadcrumb()
error 235 Argument $leaf_project is missing from the Docblock of gp_project_names_from_root
error 235 No summary for function \gp_project_names_from_root()
error 248 Argument $leaf_project is missing from the Docblock of gp_project_links_from_root
error 248 No summary for function \gp_project_links_from_root()
error 261 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of gp_breadcrumb_project
error 261 No summary for function \gp_breadcrumb_project()
error 265 Argument $html_id is missing from the Docblock of gp_js_focus_on
error 265 No summary for function \gp_js_focus_on()
error 269 Argument $name_and_id is missing from the Docblock of gp_select
error 269 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of gp_select
error 269 Argument $selected_key is missing from the Docblock of gp_select
error 269 Argument $attrs is missing from the Docblock of gp_select
error 269 No summary for function \gp_select()
error 290 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of gp_radio_buttons
error 290 Argument $radio_buttons is missing from the Docblock of gp_radio_buttons
error 290 Argument $checked_key is missing from the Docblock of gp_radio_buttons
error 290 No summary for function \gp_radio_buttons()
error 301 Argument $page is missing from the Docblock of gp_pagination
error 301 Argument $per_page is missing from the Docblock of gp_pagination
error 301 Argument $objects is missing from the Docblock of gp_pagination
error 301 No summary for function \gp_pagination()
error 377 Argument $attrs is missing from the Docblock of gp_html_attributes
error 377 No summary for function \gp_html_attributes()
error 386 Argument $attrs is missing from the Docblock of gp_attrs_add_class
error 386 Argument $class_name is missing from the Docblock of gp_attrs_add_class
error 386 No summary for function \gp_attrs_add_class()
error 502 Argument $array is missing from the Docblock of gp_array_of_things_to_json
error 502 No summary for function \gp_array_of_things_to_json()
error 513 Argument $array is missing from the Docblock of gp_array_of_array_of_things_to_json
error 513 No summary for function \gp_array_of_array_of_things_to_json()
error 526 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of things_to_fields
error 526 No summary for function \things_to_fields()
error 538 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of gp_preferred_sans_serif_style_tag
error 538 No summary for function \gp_preferred_sans_serif_style_tag()
error 552 Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of gp_html_excerpt
error 552 Argument $count is missing from the Docblock of gp_html_excerpt
error 552 Argument $ellipsis is missing from the Docblock of gp_html_excerpt
error 552 No summary for function \gp_html_excerpt()
error 560 Argument $checked is missing from the Docblock of gp_checked
error 560 No summary for function \gp_checked()
error 566 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of gp_project_actions
error 566 Argument $translation_sets is missing from the Docblock of gp_project_actions
error 566 No summary for function \gp_project_actions()
error 601 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of gp_project_options_form
error 601 No summary for function \gp_project_options_form()
error 628 Argument $seperator is missing from the Docblock of gp_entry_actions
error 628 No summary for function \gp_entry_actions()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for property $table_basename
error 18 No summary for property $field_names
error 19 No summary for property $int_fields
error 20 No summary for property $non_updatable_attributes
error 22 No summary for property $id
error 23 No summary for property $user_id
error 24 No summary for property $action
error 25 No summary for property $object_type
error 26 No summary for property $object_id


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_UnitTestCase_Request
error 4 No summary for property $body
error 6 Argument $uri is missing from the Docblock of get
error 6 Argument $get_vars is missing from the Docblock of get
error 6 No summary for method get()
error 10 Argument $uri is missing from the Docblock of post
error 10 Argument $get_vars is missing from the Docblock of post
error 10 No summary for method post()
error 14 Argument $uri is missing from the Docblock of request
error 14 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of request
error 14 Argument $vars is missing from the Docblock of request
error 14 No summary for method request()
error 47 No summary for method assertRedirect()
error 51 Argument $needle is missing from the Docblock of assertResponseContains
error 51 No summary for method assertResponseContains()
error 55 Argument $needle is missing from the Docblock of assertResponseNotContains
error 55 No summary for method assertResponseNotContains()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Format_JSON
error 7 No summary for property $translation_set
error 12 No summary for property $locale
error 17 No summary for property $format
error 19 No summary for method setUp()
error 31 No summary for method test_format_name()
error 35 No summary for method test_format_extension()
error 39 No summary for method test_print_exported_file_can_be_decoded()
error 49 No summary for method test_print_exported_file_has_valid_format()
error 65 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file_non_existent_file()
error 69 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file_invalid_file()
error 73 No summary for method test_read_originals_from_file()
error 82 No summary for method test_read_translations_from_file_non_existent_file()
error 86 No summary for method test_read_translations_from_file_invalid_file()
error 90 No summary for method test_read_translations_from_file()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Format_PO
error 7 No summary for property $format
error 12 No summary for property $entries
error 17 No summary for property $translation_file
error 22 No summary for property $originals_file
error 27 No summary for property $has_comments
error 29 No summary for method setUp()
error 50 Argument $translation_set is missing from the Docblock of get_entries_for_export
error 50 No summary for method get_entries_for_export()
error 72 No summary for method test_export()
error 87 No summary for method test_export_includes_project_id_version_header()
error 107 No summary for method test_read_originals()
error 124 No summary for method test_read_translations()
error 134 No summary for method test_get_language_code()
error 178 No summary for class \GP_Test_Format_MO
error 183 No summary for property $format
error 185 No summary for method setUp()
error 195 No summary for method test_export_includes_project_id_version_header()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Default_Factories
error 4 No summary for method test_project_factory_create()
error 10 No summary for method test_project_factory_original()
error 16 No summary for method test_locale_factory_create()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 16 No summary for method new_get()
error 26 No summary for method new_post()
error 49 Argument $set_id is missing from the Docblock of single
error 49 No summary for method single()
error 58 Argument $set_id is missing from the Docblock of edit_get
error 58 No summary for method edit_get()
error 177 Argument $set_id is missing from the Docblock of get_set_project_and_locale_from_set_id_or_404
error 177 No summary for method get_set_project_and_locale_from_set_id_or_404()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 7 No summary for function \gp_cli_register()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 5 No summary for class \GP_UnitTestCase
error 10 No summary for property $url
error 15 No summary for property $factory
error 17 No summary for method setUp()
error 45 No summary for method clean_up_global_scope()
error 59 No summary for method set_normal_user_as_current()
error 65 No summary for method set_admin_user_as_current()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Template_Functions
error 5 No summary for method tearDown()
error 10 No summary for method test_gp_breadcrumb_should_return_empty_string_without_params()
error 14 No summary for method test_gp_breadcrumb_should_run_empty_string_through_filter_without_params()
error 23 No summary for method test_gp_breadcrumb_should_display_default_list()
error 28 No summary for method test_gp_breadcrumb_should_join_all_crumbs()
error 33 No summary for method test_gp_breadcrumb_should_use_the_before_argument()
error 38 No summary for method test_gp_breadcrumb_should_flatten_the_given_array_of_crumbs()
error 44 No summary for method test_gp_get_translation_row_classes()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Translation_Warnings
error 4 No summary for method setUp()
error 18 No summary for method test_add()
error 24 No summary for method test_remove()
error 31 No summary for method test_check()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Import
error 8 Argument $originals is missing from the Docblock of _verify_multiple_imports
error 8 Argument $runs is missing from the Docblock of _verify_multiple_imports
error 8 No summary for method _verify_multiple_imports()
error 46 No summary for method test_multiple_imports_singular()
error 150 No summary for method test_multiple_imports_plural()
error 257 No summary for method test_multiple_imports_multiple_singulars()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 6 No summary for class \GP_Test_Template_Helper_Functions
error 8 No summary for method test_map_glossary_entries_to_translation_originals_with_ampersand_in_glossary()
error 211 No summary for method test_map_glossary_entries_with_placeholders_glued_glossary_words()
error 234 No summary for method test_map_glossary_entries_with_placeholders_glued_glossary_words_in_the_plural_origin()
error 263 No summary for method test_map_glossary_entries_with_placeholders_inside_another_words()
error 291 No summary for method test_map_glossary_entries_with_variations()
error 360 No summary for method test_map_glossary_entries_with_variations_and_placeholders()
error 461 No summary for method provide_test_map_glossary_entries_to_translation_originals()
error 499 Argument $test_string is missing from the Docblock of test_map_glossary_entries_to_translation_originals_with_suffixes
error 499 Argument $expected_result is missing from the Docblock of test_map_glossary_entries_to_translation_originals_with_suffixes
error 499 No summary for method test_map_glossary_entries_to_translation_originals_with_suffixes()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Format_PO
error 5 No summary for property $name
error 6 No summary for property $extension
error 7 No summary for property $alt_extensions
error 9 No summary for property $class
error 11 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 11 Argument $locale is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 11 Argument $translation_set is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 11 Argument $entries is missing from the Docblock of print_exported_file
error 11 No summary for method print_exported_file()
error 69 Argument $file_name is missing from the Docblock of read_translations_from_file
error 69 Argument $project is missing from the Docblock of read_translations_from_file
error 69 No summary for method read_translations_from_file()
error 76 Argument $file_name is missing from the Docblock of read_originals_from_file
error 76 No summary for method read_originals_from_file()
error 106 No summary for class \GP_Format_MO
error 107 No summary for property $name
error 108 No summary for property $extension
error 109 No summary for property $alt_extensions
error 111 No summary for property $class


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_JSON_Pretty_Print
error 7 No summary for property $translation_set
error 12 No summary for property $locale
error 14 No summary for method setUp()
error 26 No summary for method test_jed1x_print_exported_file_pretty_print()
error 39 No summary for method test_print_exported_file_pretty_print()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Projects_API
error 4 No summary for property $route_class
error 6 No summary for method setUp()
error 12 No summary for method test_api_projects_list_count()
error 19 No summary for method test_api_projects_list_contains_expected_project()
error 28 No summary for method test_api_project_has_translation_sets()
error 36 No summary for method test_api_project_translation_set_exposes_keys_with_counts()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 3 No summary for class \GP_Test_Translation_Entry
error 5 No summary for method test_create_entry()
error 27 No summary for method test_key()


Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 7 No summary for property $api
error 9 No summary for property $errors
error 10 No summary for property $notices
error 12 No summary for property $request_running
error 13 No summary for property $template_path
error 15 No summary for property $fake_request
error 16 No summary for property $exited
error 17 No summary for property $exit_message
error 18 No summary for property $redirected
error 19 No summary for property $redirected_to
error 20 No summary for property $rendered_template
error 21 No summary for property $loaded_template
error 22 No summary for property $template_output
error 23 No summary for property $headers
error 24 No summary for property $class_name
error 25 No summary for property $http_status
error 26 No summary for property $last_method_called
error 28 No summary for method __construct()
error 32 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of die_with_error
error 32 Argument $status is missing from the Docblock of die_with_error
error 32 No summary for method die_with_error()
error 37 No summary for method before_request()
error 49 No summary for method after_request()
error 198 No summary for method logged_in_or_forbidden()
error 204 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of redirect_with_error
error 204 Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of redirect_with_error
error 204 No summary for method redirect_with_error()
error 209 Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of redirect
error 209 No summary for method redirect()
error 278 No summary for method set_notices_and_errors()
error 322 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of die_with_404
error 322 No summary for method die_with_404()
error 334 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of exit_
error 334 No summary for method exit_()
error 344 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of header
error 344 No summary for method header()
error 353 Argument $status is missing from the Docblock of status_header
error 353 No summary for method status_header()