Core class to handle validation of translations.
Uses magic methods in the format of [field]_[rule].
The below is a list of all magic methods called. Note that once a method has been defined from one file it will not be redefine in subsequent file sections.
From gp_includes/things/administrative-permissions.php:
package | GlotPress |
__call($name, $args)
run_on_single_field($field, $value)
user_id_should_not_be() :
magic | |
method | @method bool action_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool object_type_should_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool object_id_should_be( string $name, array $args = null ) From gp_includes/things/glossary-entry.php: @method bool term_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool part_of_speech_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool glossary_id_should_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool last_edited_by_should_be( string $name, array $args = null ) From gp_includes/things/original.php: @method bool singular_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool status_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool project_id_should_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool priority_should_be( string $name, array $args = null ) From gp_includes/things/translation.php: @method bool translation_0_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool original_id_should_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool translation_set_id_should_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool user_id_should_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool user_id_last_modified_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) From gp_includes/things/glossary.php: @method bool translation_set_id_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) From gp_includes/things/project.php: @method bool name_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool slug_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) From gp_includes/things/translation-set.php: @method bool locale_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool project_id_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) From gp_includes/things/validator-permission.php: @method bool locale_slug_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool user_id_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool action_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) @method bool set_slug_should_not_be( string $name, array $args = null ) |
array('should_not_be', 'should_not', 'cant', 'cant_be')
array('should_be', 'should', 'can', 'can_be')